Larkspur Growing Guide
Crop Rotation Group
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Average garden soil with excellent drainage.
Full sun.
Frost tolerant
Good. Where winters are mild, seedlings sprout in autumn and survive until spring.
Fast growth is encouraged by mulching the soil with compost before planting.
Upright larkspur makes an ideal flower to grow behind shorter mound-forming bloomers.
Single Plants: 30cm (11") each way (minimum)
Rows: 30cm (11") with 30cm (11") row gap (minimum)
Sow and Plant
Sow larkspur seeds where you want the plants to grow in autumn, or first thing in spring, making sure they have had a period of vernalisation (cold temperatures). Larkspur can be transplanted with care, but plants grow best from direct-sown seeds.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
Well-pleased plants can grow quite tall and may need staking. In many areas, larkspur will reseed with a little encouragement. Colours include pink, purple, lavender, white and many bicolours.
Larkspurs make wonderful cut flowers. As flowers fade, snip them off with scissors to keep the plants looking neat. Pull up plants when blooms become scarce.
The biggest challenge to growing larkspur is getting the seedlings up and growing. Larkspur is poisonous to pets and horses, but is seldom nibbled due to its bitter taste.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar
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Pests which Affect Larkspur