How to Water for Better Tasting Crops

, written by Benedict Vanheems gb flag

Watering salad seedlings

Flavorsome crops are something we all aspire to – indeed it’s the main reason many of us grow our own fruits and vegetables. But did you realize that how you water has a direct impact on the final taste of your harvests? And that by tweaking your watering you can transform your produce from bland to delicious?

When it comes to the flavor of our crops, the biggest mistake is to overwater. The taste of the fruits, leaves and roots we eat comes from the combination of sugars, aroma compounds and vitamins found within them. Adding too much water dilutes these flavor components, which in most cases means less tasty produce. Once established, most vegetables and fruits cope pretty well with dryer conditions, which helps to concentrate both flavor and nutrients.

How to Water Fruiting Crops

Tree fruits such as peaches and cherries, and fruiting vegetables such as tomatoes and chili peppers benefit from reduced water levels. Less water means less leaf growth, so plants are forced to concentrate on fruit production. Roots will reach deeper in search of moisture, while at the same time accessing minerals that contribute to a more complex flavor.

At the very least, reducing irrigation just one week before fruits are picked can improve taste. You could try this with container-grown fruits such as blueberries or strawberries.

Watering a tomato plant

Enhance Tomato Taste

Tomatoes taste great with reduced irrigation. The secret is to keep plants well watered as they establish then reduce watering once the fruits start to ripen.

Begin by applying water generously, about two to three times a week, depending on your local climate, weather and soil conditions. Then, once the fruits set, significantly reduce the volume of water you give your plants at each watering. Don’t go so far as to allow plants to wilt though!

Soils with lots of added organic matter will naturally hold onto soil moisture for longer. This minimizes the need for more frequent watering, which keeps those all-important sugars from being diluted. Some growers practice ‘dry farming’ when irrigation is reduced to an absolute minimum or stopped altogether once the fruits have set. Yields may be a little smaller, but the flavor is significantly intensified.

How to Water Root Crops

Root crops such as carrots, parsnips and beets all see improved taste levels in dryer soil. Dry conditions encourage roots deeper into the soil, which has the added bonus of making them more resilient. As with other crops, watering in the early stages is important. Water for the first three to four weeks after sowing or planting to ensure plants establish, then taper irrigation to a minimum.

Watering lettuces

Leafy Salads and Greens

On the other hand, some crops benefit from plenty of water, which helps to dilute otherwise excessively spicy or bitter tastes. Naturally hot leaves such as arugula will be very spicy if they are kept dry. This means you can water more or less, depending on whether you want your leaves super-hot or a little milder.

Other leafy vegetables and salads should be kept moist so they put on more leafy growth. The result is softer, more tender leaves with a smooth and succulent texture.

Something as simple as watering can have a really profound effect on taste. If you’ve tried any of these techniques, please let us know how you got on by popping us a comment below.

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"I have been growing cabbages and collies in wicker beds with great success but bean and peas don't seem to thrive - too much water do you think as these beds stay moist all the time. Soft leafy vegetables do well, carrots and beetroot are ok as well - chilli and capsicum not so well. What is the answer (I'm 73 and like my wicker beds over the garden) "
Judy Durich on Saturday 22 January 2022

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