This plan uses crop rotation based off of 2017 18B vegetable production and the general planting areas. Cool weather crops (parsnips, swiss chard, beets, radish, carrots, etc.) can be planted in August anywhere lettuce is planted, or where there is room. The crop rotation is based on grouping vegetables by their plant family. This means plants are grouped together that have similar maintenance requirements. By rotating plant families in a particular order (often coded by color), you can reduce risk of soil borne pests and diseases to the next crops: Lilac-Alliaceae (onion family), blue- leguminocae (pea and bean family), green- brassicaceae (cabbage family), yellow- solanaceae (nightshade family-tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes), orange- umbellifereae (carrot family- celery, celeriac, etc.), salmon- curcubitaceae (melon family), pink- chenopodicaeae (beetroot family- swiss chard, etc.), grey- non rotation misc. family (corn, okra, basil, lettuce, spinach, etc.)
Also, I read that japanese beetles do not like onions, so planting onions/chives near green beans "might" help?