Garden features:
Seating area: covered by an arbor with luffa gourds vining up and over.
Bird bath: surrounded by flowers
Gravel walkways: double as french drains with a deep layer of draining gravel into the burms/basins with fruit trees and herb bushes
Burms/Basins: the tan circles around the herb bushes and fruit trees to focus the direction of the drainiage there from the walkways.
Garden Location:
Garden Size:
44' 11" x 39' 11"
Garden Type:
Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout:
Raised Beds
Sun or Shade:
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
Luffa Gourds: The luffa gourds are intended to vine up and over the arbor. The arbor covers a seating area.
Burms/Basins: the tan circles around the fruit trees and herbs shrubs are the burms/basin indents which will be covered in mulch and where water will be directed to by the gravel french drains/walking path.
The gray walkways: are gravel french drains/ walkways that both serve as wlaking paths and direct water to the burms/basins
Other features in the garden: the green area is where I will throw wildflower seeds down containing but not limited to the ones listed and shown in design. It also includes a bird bath.
Please see attached document explaining the other features of this garden.
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