Joe Kolavo
Intro To Hort
Garden Project Summary
My garden has a simple layout. There is not too much about it. Simple is better. I have 4 plots, 10x10. One plot if my fruit plot, a successive growing plot, a beneficial habitat plot, and lastly a companion growing plot. In my first plot, my fruit plot I have added blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and simple melons. Each fruit has a pest that loves to ruin the plant. The Japanese black beetle preys on blackberry bushes. Blueberry plants attract the blueberry bud mite which is a killer. The strawberry bud weevil loves to prey on strawberries. For melons, thrips love them. A great way at keeping certain pests away like thrips, is to clean up your plot continuously. Picking up any weeds and grasses or any debris is key. For the blueberry bud mite, applying a miticide is the best way to prevent them from coming. The best time to apply it is before the mite has burrowed itself into the buds of the plants. Applying the miticide once a month is all it needs. My second plot is my successive growing plot. In there I have lined up Kale, summer squash, and beets along with peas cucumber and broccoli. The last combination is onion, lettuce, and carrot. The first name of the three veggies is the spring crop, the next one is summer, and the last one is the fall crop. Common pests for peas in the summer are the army worms. Cucumbers get destroyed by aphids, more commonly the cotton aphid or melon aphid. Broccoli get preyed by cabbage worms. My third plot is my beneficial planting plot. I have four different plants that attract bugs that prey on the pests that ruin my other plants. I have planted Dill, Fennel, Parsley, and Amaranth. Dill attracts ladybugs which prey on aphids and certain beetles. The ladybugs protect more importantly the cucumbers. The fennel attracts braconid wasps which prey all aphids as well. Amaranth attracts ground beetles/slugs/and cutworms. My last plot is my Companion garden. I have broccoli
Garden Location:
New Lenox, IL
Garden Size:
59' 11" x 29' 11"
Garden Type:
Home garden
Garden Layout:
Raised Beds
Sun or Shade:
Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
Garden Plan
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