Garden Plans > 2018: Front Yard Garden 1st year

About this Garden Plan

My 2018 Garden plans. A few plants haven't been ordered, and might not go in this year. The vines may or may not.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Inland Empire, Southern California
Garden Size: 41' 1" x 40' 11"
Garden Type: Frontyard / front garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Apricot (Large) 10 
Asparagus 51Sam's Club. $11. 14 plants. (Jan 2018) "Asperagus perform best when planted in early spring in a sunny location in welll-drained, sandy soil. Asparagus require 2 growing seasons to mature before harvesting. Harvest year 3. pH 6.0-6.7. Won't grow in acidic soil. do not harvest the spears the first year, but cut down dead foliage in late fall and side-dress with compost. During the second year, keep the bed thickly mulched, add compost in spring and early fall, and cut down dead foliage in late fall."
84#HB194 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 272 $2.50 / 150 seeds "Compact version of the classic Genovese type that is superior for pot culture, having shorter stem-length between leaft nodes. Widely reconized to be longer-lasting when cut, all of which make "Emily" a better subject for market growers and home gardeners." GENOVESE (BC 2018 pg 273) "The famous Italian herloom is very popular with man cooks."
Beans (Bush Snap)
 Blue Lake Bush
279#BN119 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 32 $2.50/40-60 seeds (Two growing periods per season.) "60 days. This dark-green bean has been a standard for over 40 years. The bush plants set heavy yields of flavorful pods that are tender and crisp. Developed in 1961 from the Pole Blue Lake."
119#BT120 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 48 $2.50/pkt "95 days. White-fleshed conical roots are larger than our Albino Beet, and have a very high sucrose content. May be grown for sugar production or as a higher-calorie stock fodder. Roots frequently exceed two pounds in weight and under ideal conditions are as much as 20% sucrose! We sell only GMO free seed."
Blueberry 20Get from Sam's.
11#HB139 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 275 $2.00/60 seeds "Cucumber flavored fresh leave are added to salads, cooked, or made into a colling drink. The blue flowers are used as a garnish. Makes a good honey plant. Also used medicinally."
Borage 11 
 Pink Surprise
84#FL201 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 296 $2.50/125 seeds. "A lovely calendula with apricot flowers tinged with pink; truly something new and exciting. Frilly flowers bloom over a long season." Page 297 of catalog 2018 has more information on calendula. Pinned info for harvesting for remedies in herbal remedy board.
 Black Nebula
8016#CR137 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 58 $3.00/ 300 seeds "75 days. One of the darkest carrots available from skin to core. A delicious raw or cooked carrot that is so dark. It's also used as a dye. Makes a stunning dark purple drink when juiced, and when a squeeze of lemon is added, turns brigh pink. Amazingly, it retains its color after cooking and is incredibly high in anthocyanins. If left in the garden, it makes an equisite white umbel tinged with lavendar."
 Atomic Red
6416#CR109 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 58 $3.00/ 300 seeds "75 days. Brillian red carrots are so healthful and unique-looking, sure to add color to your garden. The 8" roots are high in lycopene. Crisp roots are at their best when cooked, and this helps make the lycopene more usable. Very flavorful."
11#HB127 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 275 $2.00/200 seeds "The herb that drives cats wild is also medicinal; used in a tsty herbal tea for colds and flu. Vigorous plant."
14##CE101 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 57 $2.50/pkt "A very large type of celery, excellent flavor. One of our most popular varieties."
1616#HB135 Baker Creek 2018 pg 276 $2.50/300 seeds "Wonderful, mild onion flavor. These long, thin chives are excellent in many meals; great raw or cooked. Lavendar flowers."
21#HB143 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 276 $2.50/100 seeds "This slow-bolting version of Cilantro/Coriander that produces flavorful leaves over a longer period."
 Parisian Pickling
22#CU106 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 83 $2.50/pkt "60 days. The old French gherkin or cornichon pickler. Listed in America in 1892 by JJH Gregory, seedman. Great for making tiny sweet pickles."
42#CU174 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 83 $ 2.50/pkt "60 days. Very tender, dual-purpose variety makes great pickles and is excellent for fresh eating right out of the garden! Nearly spineless fruits are 6-8 inches long, reaching a plump 3 inches wide. Produces abundantly on strong, vigorous vines. Non-bitter, burpless variety, can be eaten at any stage of growth. For pickling, harvest the fruits at 4-6 inches long."
44#HB126 Baker Creek 2018 pg 277 $2.50/300 seeds "Early to flower with large seed heads. Excellent in pickles and used to flavor many other foods. Easy to grow."
Garlic 99 
 Toothache Plant
11#HB250 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 285 $2.50 "These potent little flowers are a pretty yellow throughout. Stocky plants produce a profusion of canary-colored flowers that are incredibly potent. Flower retain their numbing qualities when dried or made into a tincture." From the basic info on the same page: "Also known as buzz buttons or the electric daisy, the toothache plant is one of our favorite herbs. It's a pretty little flower with a fun secret; eating the flower will cause your mouth to tingle and feel numb. The sensation is nothing dangerous, actually the gentle numbing is used in herbal medicine as an all natural remedy for toothaches and other oral pain. aside from being fun to prank your friends, toothache plant has a laundry list of impressive medicinal properties...."
 Horehound, White
11#HB192 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 285 $2.50/100 seeds "This is the traditional remedy for coughs, having earned it's place in the herb garden! Mounds of silvery foliage, around 18 inches tall and somewhat broader, last all season long in most climates. White flowers in season are pretty but not really showy."
 Improved Meyer
Lettuce (Crisphead)
 Tom Thumb
164#LT102 Baker's Creek 2018 pg. 140 $2.00/250 seeds "60 days. An heirloom lettucs that dates to the 1850s. It makes small cabbage-like green heads, only 3"-4" across. Very tasty, a winner for classy markets.
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Rocky Top Lettuce Salad
369#SB103 Bakers Creek 2018 pg. 126 $3.00/1,000 seeds "Our improved formula blend is now better than ever! With nore brightly colored and unique lettuces, it makes a flavorful and brilliant salad. A top-selling item for us; or customers just love it! Perfect for better markets or your home table. People love the rich, old-fashioned taste. Includes some non-listed rare varieities."
11#HB137 Baker Creeek 2018 pg. 280 $2.50/800 seeds "A fragrant and flavorful herb that is a popular seasoning. Easy to grow."
 Dwarf Jewel Mix
84#FL503 Baker Creek 2018 pg 320 $2.50/25 seeds "Bright, sunny colors; yellow, pink, red, and orange. The edible flowers are popluar for salads and as a garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful. A colorful garden favorite."
 Australian Brown
84#ON101 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 158 $2.75 "Intermediate day. Introduced in 1897 by @. Atlee Burpee. This variety produces extre fine large bulgs that have superb flavor! The yellow-brown roots are a standard on our farm for their sureness to produce quality." More reading on onions in catalog page 158. Square Foot gardening page pinned on board "Square Foot Gardening."
21#HB131 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 281 $2.25/400 seeds "this is a beautiful and delicious Italian flavoring herb. Also medicinal. Great for Italian and Greek cooking."
Other (Large)
 Chichiquelite Huckleberry
10#GR102 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 94 $2.75/30 seeds EAT FULLY RIPE. POISONOUS UNRIPE. "Sweet purple berries are great fresh or cooked. They are much like Wonderberry but are larger in size and give heavier yields. Very easy cultivation." Grown like tomatoes. More information on same page. NOTES: These are HUGE! They're about 5 ft tall and about 3-4 feet wide. Wait until berries are no longer shiny and the insides are also purple. If the insides are green, they're not ripe! They taste horrible not ripe, btw. It isn't enough for them to be completely dark.
Other (Large)
 A. Molly
00#GR132 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 101 $3.00/50 seeds "65 days. Polish heirloom variety has an unusually fine flavor--very sweet wiht a nice hint of tartness. 1/2"-3/4" fruits are enclosed in a papery husk which drop to the ground when fully ripe. High pectin content makes this one an excellent choice for pies and preserves." More information on ground cherries on pg. 100.
 British Wonder
 Tam Jalapeno
41#HPP104 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 173 $2.50/pkt "70 days. A very tasty, mild Jalapeno-type, with the same delicious flavor but a lot less heart. Great yields."
11Bonnie brand from Lowe's. Couldn't get the ones from Baker Creek to thrive.
 California Wonder
41#PP106 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 178 $2.50/pkt "70 days. The standare green bell pepper. A nice size with a very good yield; a popular old-time variety."
 Rosy Rosemary
11#HB218 Baker's Creek 2018 pg. 282 $3.00/35 seeds "Tender perennial to 30 inches. The plant has been used for centuries both medicinally and in the kitchen. Small evergreen shrub is covered with needle-like aromatic leaves and a myriad of tiny pink or blue flowers in summer. Perennial in mild-winter climates; elsewhere, grow in containers for over-wintering indoors. The dark green leaves may be used fresh or dried. Flowers are beloved by bees. We offer select seed that is easier to start, but it can still be somewhat challenging. The plants are lovely and can live for years with proper care."
11#HB147 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 147 $2.00/75 seeds "Used in Europe and America to flavor many meats, stuffings, vinegars, and more! Fragrant leaves are also used in potpourri. 20" tall, gray-green plants are quite attractive."
189#SP109 Baker Creek pg 196 $3.00/pkt "35 days. Galilee is one of the most heat tolerant spinach varieties available. A true spinach hailing from Israel. Leaves are triangular with pointed tips and a dark green color that indicates high nutrient levels. Fabulous flavor eaten raw or cooked haverested for both baby spinach or large leaves."
Squash (Winter)
 Butternut-Orange #SQ321
20#SQ321 Baker Creek Seeds 2018 pg. 204 $4.00/pkt "A delicious and beautiful butternut squash, highly prolific with an orange rind. Used in Savory soups, sweet desserts, side-dishes, or cut into medallions and fried. Loaded with beta-carotene."
284Got from Lowe's. They are Bonnie's, I think.
Strawberry 44 
11Got from Lowe's. Bonnie's?
11#TL102 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 220 $2.50/pkt "Deep green fruit; a standard, richly-flavored type. Huge yields as with most tomatillos."
Tomato (Large)
 Bonny Best
51#TM181 Baker Creek 2018. pg 231 $2.25/pkt (2 growing periods per season.) "The famous old canning tomato that was selected out of Chalk's Early Jewel by one George W. Middleton and introduced in 1908 by Walter P. Stokes seed house. It became one of the most respected canning varieties in America in the first half of the twentieth century. Medium-sized fruits are round, red, meaty and loaded with flavor. A good producer that makes a fine slicer too. Becoming hard to find due to modern, flavorless hybrids."
Tomato (Small)
 Napa Chardonnay Blush
21#TX132 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 249 $4.00 /15 seeds "65-70 days. Yellow mutation from the Napa Rose Blush, Brad says this once has a "super-amazing flavor," with many who tasted it for the first time proclaiming it the very best cherry type they had ever tasted. Also, this variety is very easy to grow, and does especially well in containers." Napa Rose Blush pg 249
 Black Beauty
31#SSQ120 Baker Creek 2018 pg. 200 $2.50/pkt (2 growing periods per season.) "50 days. The classic dark-green summer squash that has made modern zucchini of this type popular. Introduced in the US Markets in the 1920s, and seed companies started listing it in the 1930s. Delicious fried or baked; best picked young."

Planting Times

Plant List key
Apricot (Large)
Beans (Bush Snap)
 Blue Lake Bush
 Pink Surprise
 Black Nebula
 Atomic Red
 Parisian Pickling
 Toothache Plant
 Horehound, White
 Improved Meyer
Lettuce (Crisphead)
 Tom Thumb
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Rocky Top Lettuce Salad
 Dwarf Jewel Mix
 Australian Brown
Other (Large)
 Chichiquelite Huckleberry
Other (Large)
 A. Molly
 British Wonder
 Tam Jalapeno
 California Wonder
 Rosy Rosemary
Squash (Winter)
 Butternut-Orange #SQ321
Tomato (Large)
 Bonny Best
Tomato (Small)
 Napa Chardonnay Blush
 Black Beauty