Garden Plans > 2017: Vegetable Garden

About this Garden Plan


Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Stoughton MA
Garden Size: 19' 11" x 25' 0"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

I added in some cabbage and a chocolate sunflower given to me by a Project Rise Vet. The starter plansts both sweet pepper and Two tomoatoes are up and doing good. I'll start to actually layout the garden tomorrow, April 28th and hopefully plant the carots and beets. I'll also buy the eletric fence.components. Iinstalled the electric fence in May. It took a while and I am not really satified wiht the layout. It is too close to the actual garden and it is hard to walk around to plant and weed. I'll leave it set up as is for this year and adjust it next year. 6/20/2017 the electric fence seems to be working. I installed a current on indicator. That device works great in flashes red every couple of seconds to indicate the fence is working

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Arugula 255"3" x 7"plantd seeds Saturday May 27,2017
Beans (Bush Snap) 179"5" x 1' 1"planted beans Saturday May 27, 2017; 8/17/2017 disapointed in the bean crop, pods were small and looked undernourished
Beet 725"3" x 7"Planted Saturday May 27, 2017 Replanted on 6/20/2017
Cabbage (Summer)
 Copenhagen Market
61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9"Ferry-Morse Planted Sunday May 28, 2017. Also, one cabbage plant came up on its own and I moved it to teh cabbage section. replanted on 6/15/17 ; 8/17/2017disapointed in the cabbage it seemed to be slow growing and never developed a head. Also, a woodchuck or some other small animal ate the leaves.
Carrot 1563"3" x 5"Planted Saturday May 27, 2017
Cucumber 41' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 
Lettuce (Leaf) 253"3" x 5"planted Saturday May 27, 2017
Pepper 161' 1"11" x 1' 3"planted plants started from seeds on Saturday May 27, 2017 Replanted Torrey's extra pepper sets 6/15/2017. A rabbit ate the leaves off the original plants and Torrey's new ones too. I sprayed the area with a fluid to deter deer and rabbits on 6/15/2017
Radish 53"3" x 7" 
 Bloomsdale Long Standing
67"5" x 11"Ferry-Morse Spinach Planted Sunday May 28, 2017 replanted on 6/20/2017
Squash (Summer) 41' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Planted Saturday May 27, 2017
911"11" x 11"Sunflower Seeds given to me by Project Rise Vet. Planted Saturday May 27, 2017
 American Giant
911"11" x 11"Planted Saturday May 27, 2017
Tomato (Large)
 Super Beefsteak
51' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Large)
 Best Boy (hybrid)
41' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Bush Snap)
Cabbage (Summer)
 Copenhagen Market
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Bloomsdale Long Standing
Squash (Summer)
 American Giant
Tomato (Large)
 Super Beefsteak
Tomato (Large)
 Best Boy (hybrid)