Garden Plans > 2017: Gemüsegarten

About this Garden Plan

home garden

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Switzerland
Garden Size: 14.80m x 9.50m
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: -
Sun or Shade: -
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

The author has opted not to display notes for this plan's Plant List.
 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in Rows
Apple (Dwarf)
12.00m2.00m x 2.00m
Asparagus 1045cm45cm x 45cm
Aster (China) 230cm30cm x 30cm
Beans (French) 2520cm15cm x 30cm
Beans (Runner) 2420cm15cm x 30cm
Beetroot 5715cm10cm x 20cm
Borage 335cm30cm x 60cm
Broccoli (Green) 435cm30cm x 45cm
Buckwheat 11710cm10cm x 10cm
Cabbage (Spring)
 Ewiger Kohl
255cm50cm x 60cm
Calendula 1530cm25cm x 60cm
Carrot 2510cm10cm x 15cm
Cauliflower 1050cm45cm x 60cm
Celeriac 635cm30cm x 40cm
Chives 820cm15cm x 25cm
Courgette 360cm60cm x 60cm
Cucumber 460cm60cm x 60cm
Dahlia 560cm50cm x 60cm
Echinacea 235cm30cm x 40cm
Fennel (Herb) 335cm30cm x 40cm
Flower 2820cm15cm x 20cm
Kale 1140cm35cm x 45cm
Kohlrabi 2725cm20cm x 30cm
Leek 1220cm15cm x 30cm
Lettuce (Headed) 4325cm20cm x 30cm
Mangetout 1610cm10cm x 20cm
Monarda 230cm30cm x 50cm
Onion (Autumn planted) 4115cm15cm x 25cm
Onion (Perennial) 1115cm15cm x 15cm
Parsnip 2420cm20cm x 30cm
Peas 14010cm10cm x 20cm
Pepper 835cm30cm x 40cm
Phacelia 1015cm15cm x 15cm
Phlox (Annual) 515cm15cm x 15cm
Potatoes (Maincrop) 2145cm35cm x 75cm
Pumpkin 290cm90cm x 90cm
Radish 3210cm10cm x 20cm
Raspberry 170cm60cm x 90cm
Rhubarb 390cm90cm x 90cm
Rose 290cm60cm x 1.50m
Scorzonera 2015cm10cm x 30cm
Strawberry 2950cm45cm x 60cm
Sunflower 430cm30cm x 30cm
Sweet Pea 1620cm20cm x 20cm
Swiss Chard 435cm30cm x 40cm
Tomato (Cherry) 150cm45cm x 60cm
Tomato (Regular) 750cm45cm x 60cm
Zinnia 2930cm30cm x 30cm

Planting Times

Plant List key