Garden Plans > 2016: 153 - Greenhouse Garden

About this Garden Plan

Garden by Greenhouse / Chickenhouse This garden features concrete block containers east of a small chickenhouse and south of a Mini Green House. The soil has initiatly been build according the Square foot Gardening methode. However as the concrete containers drained too quickly the soil has been enriched with regular dirt and horse manure. On the other side of the chickenhouse are a selection of dwarf fruit trees. surrounding the greenhouse is a row of asparagus.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Owens Cross Roads, Al
Garden Size: 55' 4" x 51' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Heavy / Clay soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Apple (Dwarf) 50 
Artichoke (Globe) 41 
Basil 524 
Beans (Pole) 408 
Carrot 20816 
Celery 124 
Chamomile 284 
Chives 3216 
Chives (Garlic) 279 
Eggplant 41 
Fig 20 
Flower 124 
Garlic 189 
Kohlrabi 279 
Leek 369 
Lettuce (Crisphead) 84 
Lettuce (Leaf) 279 
Marigold 124 
Parsley 1044 
Peas 328 
Pepper 41 
Potatoes (Maincrop) 31 
Radish 19216 
Rosemary 11 
Sage 11 
Spinach 549 
Strawberry 604 
Sunflower 51 
Tarragon 11 
Thyme 21 
Tomato (Large) 71 
Tomato (Small) 31 
Watermelon 10 
Zucchini 21 

Planting Times

Plant List key