| Plant | Number | Plants per Square Foot | Notes |
Arugula (OG)
| 64 | 16 | Long, dark, lobed leaves are suitable for salad mix or bunching. Harvest the edible white flowers with dark pink veins as they appear. Sprinkle them over salads or add to vegetable stir-fries. Flavor is spicy and nutty. Popular choice for brightening up salad mixes. |
Genovese (OG)
| 8 | 4 | Classic Italian variety. Authentic flavor and appearance. Tall and relatively slow to bolt with large, dark green leaves about 3" long. Ht. 24-30". Use the edible flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. Flavor is of intense basil. |
Beans (Bush Snap)
Provider (OG)
| 18 | 9 | Provider can be planted earlier than other beans because it germinates well in cool soils. Compact plants are easy to grow and adaptable to diverse soil and climate conditions. Produces 5 1/2" fleshy round pod green beans. Purple seeds. Organically grown. |
Touchstone Gold (OG)
| 18 | 9 | Striking golden-fleshed beet. Smooth golden roots with bright yellow flesh retain their color when cooked. Excellent, sweet flavor. Leaves and petioles are green. Very good germination for a golden beet. Organically grown. |
Red Ace (F1) (OG)
| 18 | 9 | The best all-around red beet. Round, smooth, deep red roots grow rapidly and uniformly. Sweet and tender, even when older. Medium-tall, red-veined greens for bunching. Organically grown. |
Chioggia Guardsmark (OG)
| 18 | 9 | The smooth, medium-height tops are all green with pink-striped stems. Excellent flavor. Organically grown. |
Sugar Cube
| 3 | 0 | Unsurpassed eating quality. The small, 2 lb. melons are of the classic Charentais type: faintly ribbed, with a smooth gray-green rind and dark green sutures. Sweet and aromatic, deep orange flesh. |
Purple Haze (F1)
| 32 | 16 | Bright purple roots. Combines purple skin color with sweet flavor. 7-8" tapered roots with large, healthy tops. Skin is dark purple with a bright orange interior. Cooking will cause the color to fade. Medium-short tops. Imperator type. AAS winner. |
Napoli (F1) (OG)
| 32 | 16 | Ideal for overwintering. Conventional seed with NOP-compliant pelleting. Up to 7" cylindrical, smooth, blunt roots. A specialized variety with a sweet taste when sown in fall for winter harvest. In cold regions sow in the greenhouse. In mild regions sow outdoors in the open or protected with fabric row cover. Strong, medium-short tops. Early Nantes type. |
Santo (OG)
| 1 | 1 | In our trials, we found Marino's flavor, growth rate, and bolt tolerance to be equal to that of Santo. Like the leaves and seeds, the flowers are also edible. Use them raw because the flavor fades quickly when cooked. Sprinkle to taste on salads, bean dishes, chicken, and spicy Southwestern dishes. Flavor is of mild cilantro. Organically grown. |
Tyria (F1) (OG)
| 4 | 2 | Unique mustard green of Japanese origin. Mizuna produces dozens of pencil thin white stalks with deeply cut, fringed leaves. Mild flavor. Continues to produce for several weeks from one planting as a cut and come again product. Organically grown. |
Hera Organic
| 8 | 4 | Organic bunching dill. Slower bolting variety with uniform, high yields of foliage. Organically grown. |
Butterbeans Edible
| 18 | 9 | Sweet, buttery, and high yielding; Butterbeans are acclaimed as the finest in green vegetable soybeans. The 2-2 1/2' stocky plants are well branched and stand well, producing a prolific set of large pods with tan pubescence. A good percentage of pods contain three large beans that are relatively easy to shell. Higher yielding than Envy. Organically grown. |
Mizuna Organic
| 18 | 9 | Unique mustard green of Japanese origin. Mizuna produces dozens of pencil thin white stalks with deeply cut, fringed leaves. Mild flavor. Continues to produce for several weeks from one planting as a cut and come again product. Organically grown. |
Kaleidoscope Mix (OG)
| 4 | 4 | A robust, organic mix. Add excitement to any garden bed or container. All the traditional bright colors of a nasturtium mix with the added plus of marvelous swirled bicolors. Use the leaves, pods, and flowers in salads or as garnishes, or stuff the flowers with soft cheese. The flowers can be minced and added to butters and the immature seed heads can be pickled. Nasturtiums are a popular choice for adding color to salad mix. Also known as garden nasturtium and Indian cress. Organically grown. |
Giant of Italy (OG)
| 16 | 4 | The preferred culinary variety. Huge, dark green leaves with great flavor. Strong, upright stems make Giant of Italy one of the best parsleys for fresh market sales. Very high yielding. Ht. 18-20". |
Potatoes (Early)
Yukon Gold Organic
| 2 | 1 | Yellow-fleshed standard. Large upright plants produce round-oval tubers with yellow-buff skin and delicious light yellow flesh. Suitable for any cooking style and stores well. Resistant to PVA; moderately resistant to leaf roll. Organically grown. |
Tomato (Small)
Purple Bumble Bee
| 1 | 1 | Excellent sweet flavor. Purple Bumble bee is an eyecatching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes with metallic green striping. Great mixed with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits. Indeterminate. Organically grown. |
Tomato (Small)
Amish Paste Organic
| 1 | 1 | A long-time favorite heirloom plum. Large for a sauce tomato, Amish Paste's slightly irregular plum-to strawberry shaped fruits avg. 8-12 oz. with excellent flavor. These meaty tomatoes are good in salads and great for processing. A Slow Food USA Ark of Taste variety. Indeterminate. Organically grown. |