Garden Plans > 2015: Gingerbread House

About this Garden Plan

First time gardeners but both of us had gardener parents. We're trying planting in potting soil bags, straw bales, raised beds, and containers.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Greensburg, PA USA
Garden Size: 29' 11" x 39' 11"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Apple (Dwarf) 26' 6"6' 6" x 6' 6" 
Asparagus 101' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5" 
Basil 37"5" x 9" 
Beans (Pole) 129"5" x 1' 1" 
Catnip 11' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Chili Pepper 11' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Horseradish 11' 1"1' 1" x 1' 1" 
Lettuce (Leaf) 103"3" x 5" 
Mint 17"5" x 9" 
Onions (Green) 103"3" x 3" 
Oregano 17"5" x 9" 
21' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Pepper 11' 1"11" x 1' 3" 
Potatoes (Maincrop) 11' 5"1' 1" x 2' 5" 
Radicchio 49"7" x 11" 
Rhubarb 12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Rosemary 27"7" x 7" 
Sage 111"11" x 1' 3" 
Strawberry 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tarragon 11' 3"1' 3" x 1' 7" 
Thyme 111"11" x 1' 3" 
Tomato (Large) 71' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Small) 21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Small)
71' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key