Garden Plans > 2014: Garden Plot

About this Garden Plan

Vegtable Garden

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Lake Geneva, WI
Garden Size: 39' 11" x 25' 0"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Tomato variety to look for: (Early) Early Girl, Ultimate Opener hybrid (Reg) Better Boy Hybrid (Cherry) Cupid hybrid, Sun Sugar Buy plants: Eggplant, Tomato

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Bush Snap) 519"5" x 1' 1" 
Beans (Dry) 219"7" x 1' 1"Dry beans did well, need a lot more to get a good crop.
Beans (Lima) 569"5" x 1' 1"Need more plants to get a good crop, need to stake the plants.
 Red Ace Hybrid
345"3" x 7"Planted 5/10 Thin to 3-4" apart. Not the best beets, try a different variety next year.
 Baltimore Hybrid
543"3" x 5"Planted 5/10 Lot of disfigured carrots, not a good crop, try a different variety next year.
 Serendipity Hybrid
541' 1"11" x 1' 5"2 rows planted 5/18, 2 more plantings 6/1 and 6/18. Ears were small but good tasting. Coons ate over 1/2 the crop. Only got about 2 doz ears.
 Fanfare Hybrid
11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Planted 5/18 - 6-8 plants in row. Only one plant grew and that produced a lot of cucumbers! Only need 1 or 2 plants.
Eggplant 31' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Bought plants at Home Depot. Planted mid May. Did pretty well. Steady crop thru Sept.
Lettuce (Crisphead)
99"7" x 11"Planted 5/10, grew well thru the whole summer.
Lettuce (Leaf) 593"3" x 5"Planted 5/10, grew well thru the whole summer.
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Jungs Sweet Repeat Leaf Lettuc
183"3" x 5"Planted 5/10 grew well thru the whole summer.
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Baby Leaf Zesty Mesclun Mix
183"3" x 5"Planted 5/10 grew well thru the whole summer.
 Maverick Hybrid
42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Planted 5/18. Harvested late August to Sept.
Onions (Green)
173"3" x 3"Planted 5/10
Peas 1083"3" x 7" 
 Jungs Gournet Rainbow Hybrid B
71' 1"11" x 1' 3"Planted from seed 5/18 Plants grew well but only got one pepper.
543"3" x 7"Planted 5/10
Radish 183"3" x 7" 
Sunflower 1011"11" x 11"Planted in June, flowers developed late and not real big but ok. Plant earlier.
Tomato (Large)
 Martino'S Roma
71' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Seed planted direct 5/18.
Tomato (Small)
 Cupid Hybrid (Red Grape)
71' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Planted from seed 5/18
 Summer Sweet 5234 Plus Hybrid
42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Planted direct from seed 5/18 2 hills, 5 seeds + pollinator (2-3), got a mix of melons, most had seeds, some striped, some solid dark green.
Zinnia 1011"11" x 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Bush Snap)
Beans (Dry)
Beans (Lima)
 Red Ace Hybrid
 Baltimore Hybrid
 Serendipity Hybrid
 Fanfare Hybrid
Lettuce (Crisphead)
Lettuce (Leaf)
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Jungs Sweet Repeat Leaf Lettuc
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Baby Leaf Zesty Mesclun Mix
 Maverick Hybrid
Onions (Green)
 Jungs Gournet Rainbow Hybrid B
Tomato (Large)
 Martino'S Roma
Tomato (Small)
 Cupid Hybrid (Red Grape)
 Summer Sweet 5234 Plus Hybrid