Garden Plans > 2014: Market garden #2

About this Garden Plan

Second market garden with a variety of both summer and winter grown produce. Idea is to grow several crops per bed per season, to keep the gardens productive but also to keep rotations strict so that, in some cases, we have a full 4 crop rotation or more within 2 growing seasons. The aim is to rest some of the beds every year for at least part of one season, with the final aim being every bed rested for part of the growing season every 2-3 years.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
Garden Size: 35' 11" x 35' 11"
Garden Type: Farm / smallholding
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Climbing)
 Scarlet Runner
1625cm15cm x 35cmBed 13: Over-wintered parsnips, carrots, chard and beets finished in April. In May, plnat bed to tomatoes interspersed with scarlet runner pole beans. When finished in Sept, let bed rest for winter.
 Bull's Blood (OG)
17615cm10cm x 20cmBed 12: Plant in four blocks--Carrots, swiss chard, beets in April and zucchini in May. First three can be used for both summer up to early winter harvest. For beets, use mix of org. Chioggia, Touchstone Gold, Merlin, Boro and Bull's Blood.
Beetroot 4915cm10cm x 20cm 
Blueberry 490cm90cm x 90cm 
Brussels Sprouts 1660cm60cm x 60cmBed 14: Over-wintered Brussels Sprouts to be replaced in April with two rows of potatoes to the south side of the bed, one row of tomatoes to the north. Interplant with winter leeks in late June, then add winter onions in August and garlic in Oct.
 Napoli (F1) (OG)
40810cm10cm x 15cmBed 12: Use mix of organic Napoli, Yellowstone, Nutri-red and Cosmic Purple for colour combo carrots. Plant in April, replacing over-wintered spinach.
Carrot 10810cm10cm x 15cmBed 12; Over-wintered spinach replaced by carrots, chard, beets in April with zucchini added in May.
Cauliflower 2150cm45cm x 60cm 
Cranberry 1860cm60cm x 60cm 
Garlic 26015cm10cm x 25cm 
Jostaberry 21.50m1.50m x 1.50m 
17620cm15cm x 30cm 
 Bandit (OG)
7220cm15cm x 30cmBed 15: Winter leeks to be replaced in June by next winter's cabbages (January King variety).
Lettuce (Headed) 2825cm20cm x 30cmReplace radishes with lettuces when pulled for full season.
Onion (Spring planted) 33615cm10cm x 20cm 
Parsnip 1220cm20cm x 30cm 
Potatoes (Maincrop)
 Russian Blue
2045cm35cm x 75cm 
Radish 2410cm10cm x 20cmReplace lettuces with radishes when pulled.
Silver Beet
 Flamingo Organic
3035cm30cm x 40cmBed 12: Plant in four blocks--Carrots, swiss chard, beets in April and zucchini in May. First three can be used for both summer up to early winter harvest. For chard, use a mix of organic Flamingo Pink, Silverado, Rubarb and Fordhook Giant for a colour mix.
Silver Beet 1035cm30cm x 40cmBed 13: The over-wintered swiss chard, beets, carrots and parnsips will be finished by April, latest. They will be replaced in May by alternating tomatoes and pole beans (scarlet runners). Those in turn will be replaced with in October.
Spinach 36820cm15cm x 30cmBed 12: Overwintered spinach to be replaced in April by carrots, swiss chard, beets and zucchini. The zucchini will be replaced in Oct. by over-wintering spinach once more.
Tomato (Regular) 2250cm45cm x 60cmBed 10: Interspersed tomatoes/potatoes (1 row of each, alternated, running north-south for max sun penetration on both crops). Follow with garlic planted in october.

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Climbing)
 Scarlet Runner
 Bull's Blood (OG)
Brussels Sprouts
 Napoli (F1) (OG)
 Bandit (OG)
Lettuce (Headed)
Onion (Spring planted)
Potatoes (Maincrop)
 Russian Blue
Silver Beet
 Flamingo Organic
Silver Beet
Tomato (Regular)