Garden Plans > 2014: Compound Farms Plan 1

About this Garden Plan

For your approval. Better use of real estate this year.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Compound Farms
Garden Size: 57' 11" x 29' 0"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

3 X 15519 at $12.99 each. (3" Round Peat Pots). Each offer contains 50 pots.

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Pole)
 Edimame Butterbeans
589"5" x 1' 1"1 X 64594 at $3.99 each. Each bag contains 75 seeds. 90 Days. Harvest 11 AUG 14.
Beans (Pole)
579"5" x 1' 1""The Hulk" out of stock as of 22 JAN 14 per Gurney's Rep. 1 X 14144 at $4.99. Harvest 08 JUL 14.
 Hybrid Harrier
875"3" x 7"1 X 80666 at $19.99 each. 200 Seeds per packet. 50 days. Harvest 01 JUL 14.
875"3" x 7"1 X 14263 at $5.99 each. 400 seeds per packet. 60 Days. Harvest 11 JUL 14.
 Coronado Crown Hybrid
381' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5"1 X 69951 at $5.99 each. 150 seeds per packet. 58 Days. Harvest 09 JUL 14.
Brussels Sprouts
 Royal Marvel Hybrid
141' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"1 X 75722 at $7.99 each. 100 seeds per packet. 85 Days. Harvest 06 AUG 14.
 Li'l Sweet Hybrid
42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"1 X 71560 at $9.99 each. 25 Seeds per packet. 76 Days. Harvest 27 JUL 14.
873"3" x 5"1 X 14336 at $5.99. 75 Days. Harvest 26 JUL 14.
 Snow Crown Hybrid
191' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"1 X 68378 at $3.99 each. 75 Seeds per packet. 55 Days. Harvest 06 JUL 14.
 Gotta Have It
231' 1"11" x 1' 5"1 Packet of 69948 at $9.99 each. 78 Days. Harvest 29 JUL 14.
Corn 461' 1"11" x 1' 5" 
 Burpless II Hybrid
101' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"1 X 70589 at $6.99 each. 30 seeds per packet. 55 Days. Harvest 06 JUL 14.
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Mesclun (Mild and Tangy)
883"3" x 5"2 X 14550 at $2.99 and 2 X 67956 at $2.99. 1,000 seeds per packet. 45 Days. Begin Harvest on 26 JUN 14. 3,000 seeds will plant a 50 foot row.
Onion (Red)
 Red Zeppelin
875"3" x 7"1 X 86970 at $1999 each. For each plant offer, get 2 bunches. 90 Days. Harvest 11 AUG 14.
 Sweet Bell Hybrid Mix
151' 1"11" x 1' 3"5 X 64562 (3 Plants for 1) at $12.99 each. 65 - 80 Days. Or buy 1 Packet of 14880 at $2.99 and start from scratch. Harvest beginning 16 JUL 14.
 Hot Pepper Mix
131' 1"11" x 1' 3"4 X 64579 (3 Plants for 1) at $12.99 each. 70 Days. Or buy 1 packet of 69942 for $2.99 and start from scratch.
Potatoes (Maincrop)
 Purple Majesty
241' 5"1' 1" x 2' 5"2 X 86972 at $12.99 each. Each order is 2 pounds of potatoes.
 German Giant Parat
873"3" x 7"1 X 14966 at $6.99. 1/2 ounce contains 1350 seeds and sows a 50' row. 29 Days. Harvest 11 JUN 14.
 French Breakfast
873"3" x 7"1 X 14970 at $4.99. 25 Days. Harvest 06 JUN 14.
 Bloomsdale Longstanding
587"5" x 11"2 X 14553 at $2.99 each. 300 seeds per packet. Harvest on 23 JUN 14. 600 seeds will plant a 50 foot row.
Squash (Winter)
 Vegetable Spaghetti Squash
22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"1 X 14982 at $2.99 each. 25 Seeds per packet. 90 Days. Harvest 11 AUG 14.
Squash (Winter)
 Autumn Acorn Blend
22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"1 X 86984 at $3.99 each. 25 Seeds per packet. 70 - 90 Days. Harvest beginning 21 JUL 14.
Squash (Winter)
 Argonaut Hybrid Butternut
22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"1 X 66325 at $3.99 each. 25 Seeds per packet. 140 Days. Plant on 01 MAY 14. Harvest 20 SEP 14.
Tomato (Large)
 San Marzano
61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"1 X 02603 at $2.99 each. 25 seeds per packet. 85 Days. Harvest beginning 06 AUG 14. Or order 1 X 64708 at $12.99 each. Each offer contains 3 Plants.
Tomato (Large)
 Big Rainbow
61' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"1 X 64524 at $2.99 each. 30 seeds per packet. 90 Days. Harvest beginning 11 AUG 14. Or order 1 X 64525 at $12.99 each. Each offer is 3 Plants.
 Delight Hybrid
42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"2 X 69937 at $9.99 each. 10 seeds per packet. 90 days. Harvest beginning 11 AUG 14.
 Pride II Hybrid Zuchhini
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"1 X 82359 at $8.99 each. 25 seeds per packet. 47 Days. Harvest beginning 27 JUN 14.

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Pole)
 Edimame Butterbeans
Beans (Pole)
 Hybrid Harrier
 Coronado Crown Hybrid
Brussels Sprouts
 Royal Marvel Hybrid
 Li'l Sweet Hybrid
 Snow Crown Hybrid
 Gotta Have It
 Burpless II Hybrid
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Mesclun (Mild and Tangy)
Onion (Red)
 Red Zeppelin
 Sweet Bell Hybrid Mix
 Hot Pepper Mix
Potatoes (Maincrop)
 Purple Majesty
 German Giant Parat
 French Breakfast
 Bloomsdale Longstanding
Squash (Winter)
 Vegetable Spaghetti Squash
Squash (Winter)
 Autumn Acorn Blend
Squash (Winter)
 Argonaut Hybrid Butternut
Tomato (Large)
 San Marzano
Tomato (Large)
 Big Rainbow
 Delight Hybrid
 Pride II Hybrid Zuchhini