Not all finished, yet. We have the slab for the shed, but not the shed. We have the hot tub, but have to add on to the existing deck. We don't have the pond installed, yet, or the paving around the veggie beds done. And we'll be doing the irrigation in the next few weeks. And part of the patio still needs to be done. Meanwhile, we have a shed over the well housing that will be torn down when we start doing the deck and the little "mini shed" for spa chemicals and hand gardening stuff will be built against the fence. It's a work in progress. But this is my vision. The strawberry planter, by the way, is a vertical planter box that is only 8" deep. So we may not have all of it done this year, especially since we're expanding the plantings into the side yard. The gate to the side yard is next to the strawberry box.
The bottom of the yard buts up against the RV Storage shed that Lee uses as a workshop, otherwise, that part of my back yard would be deeper.
Garden Location:
Santa Rosa, CA
Garden Size:
50' 0" x 29' 11"
Garden Type:
Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout:
Raised Beds
Sun or Shade:
Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
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