Raised bed Square Foot Gardening
12 - 4x8 beds
sides are 2 - 2x50 beds
back wall is 1 2x25 bed
outside the fence is 1 - 4x20 bed for raspberries
1 - 4x20 bed for asparagus
1 - 4x20 bed for blueberries
The compost piles are each in varying states of readiness.
all beds are made from 2x10 treated boards
the large garden is 25x40 and fenced in with a 7' high fence to keep out the deer. The lower portion of the fence is covered with smaller wire to keep out small critters.
The soil is 1/4 peat moss
1/4 coarse vermiculite
1/2 compost
Garden Location:
Lodi, WI
Garden Size:
50' 0" x 61' 11"
Garden Type:
Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout:
Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade:
Garden Soil Type:
Good soil
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