| Plant | Number | Spacing | Spacing in Rows | Notes |
| 42 | 5" | 3" x 7" | |
Sweet Purple
| 1 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 5" | |
Purple Passion
| 30 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 5" | tHIS IS THE SECOND yEAR THE CROWNS ARE IN THE GARDEN. tHE FERNSHAVE BEE EXCEPTIONALLUY THICK. kPT wEEDS TO A MINIMUM SO ESTABLISH A GOOD BED. Plan to erect a raised bed by adding a 4 ' layer of composting after chopping down dead ferns this fall. |
Mary Washington
| 1 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 5" | |
| 4 | 7" | 5" x 9" | |
Beans (Pole)
Blue Lake Pole
| 6 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | |
Beans (Pole)
| 12 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | The pole beans have germinated successfully and are climbing the bamboo teepee poles |
| 192 | 5" | 3" x 7" | Beet germination is poor and only a few plants have mature. Lost battle to soil(clay) and weeds. Next time will try container. |
| 1 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | Purchase plant in Memphis while visiting Tamaira, Kevin and granchildren.
Placed in the gound additing Acidiziing fertilizer to soil. Keep reasonable well watered and irt has produced a few blueberries through June. Added second acidzing fertilizer in mid June. |
| 16 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 5" | Harvested a few head of brocolli but because of the 'summer heat' the plants are flowering. Planning to obtain seed for fall garden. |
Brussels Sprouts
| 2 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | |
Cabbage (Summer)
| 14 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 9" | |
| 80 | 3" | 3" x 5" | |
| 3 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Georgia Southern
| 44 | 11" | 11" x 1' 3" | planted collard plants. Place a trough of Black Cow manure when planting the plants. They grew large and healthy. Paula harvested the first set of leaves the third week in May. |
Marketmore 97 Organic
| 4 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | Planted second set or cucumber plants with trellis week of Mom'sbirthday(June 13th) |
| 8 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | Harvested the first cucmber the week of mom's birthday(June 13rd) |
| 4 | 1' 3" | 1' 1" x 1' 5" | |
| 35 | 5" | 3" x 9" | |
| 2 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | |
| 26 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Onions (Green)
| 81 | 3" | 3" x 3" | |
Super Sugar Snap
| 62 | 3" | 3" x 7" | Snap peas initially took lomg to germinate and then germinated thickly. Had laid seed down in 3" bed of Black Cow compost and sprinikle pea innoculant. Was grow well and lush and then started loosing plants to root rust. Generated a modest set of peas n the remaining plants |
| 316 | 3" | 3" x 7" | Snap peas initially took lomg to germinate and then germinated thickly. Had laid seed down in 3" bed of Black Cow compost and sprinikle pea innoculant. Was grow well and lush and then started loosing plants to root rust. Generated a modest set of peas n the remaining plants |
| 8 | 1' 1" | 11" x 1' 3" | |
| 51 | 9" | 7" x 1' 3" | |
| 1 | 3" | 3" x 3" | |
| 85 | 7" | 5" x 11" | |
Squash (Summer)
| 13 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | Zucchini Plant - Placed in ground after preparing bed with a 3" layer of Black Cow Manure. Usd a red wood mulch |
Squash (Winter)
| 2 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | |
Italian Alpine
| 4 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | Brought strawberry plants and placed them in large container. Growth has been phenomenal but fruit production through mid-june has been sparing. Runners have extended outside of container |
| 27 | 11" | 11" x 11" | Prepared the ground by place a 3 inch layer of Black Cow Compost then sowing the seed. They germinated one week later.
Ferry- Morse Sunflower-Mammoth |
Sweet Potato
| 14 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Tomato (Small)
| 4 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Purple Top White Globe
| 13 | 7" | 5" x 11" | Thw greens hace harvested very weel and Paula has harvest some roots also around the first week of June. Leaves are yellowing and being nuisanced by white butterflies |
| 98 | 7" | 5" x 11" | |
Sweet Beauty
| 2 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | Watermelon Plants- Placed in ground after preparing bed with a 3" layer of Black Cow Manure. Use a red wood mulch |