| Plant | Number | Spacing | Spacing in Rows | Notes |
| 7 | 20cm | 15cm x 25cm | Harvest leaves a few at a time to keep the plant cropping. |
Beans (French)
| 24 | 20cm | 15cm x 30cm | Strong supports needed for climbing varieties. Supply plenty of water to the roots from flowering through to harvest. Pick regularly to encourage further harvesting. |
| 7 | 35cm | 30cm x 60cm | Cut back borage plants by half their size in midsummer to encourage reblooming. Blossom clusters make beautiful but short-lived cut flowers or edible garnishes. Be aware of sleepy bees when picking. |
Broccoli (Purple)
| 6 | 60cm | 60cm x 60cm | Surround stem with a 10cm (4 inch) mat with a slit cut into it for the stem to prevent cabbage root fly from destroying the roots. Use fine mesh or fleece over the summer to prevent butterflies laying eggs on the underside of leaves - caterpillars can destroy these plants. Protect against birds which can damage the young seedlings and overwintering crops. May need supportive canes during the winter. |
Brussels Sprouts
| 6 | 60cm | 60cm x 60cm | Surround stem with a 10cm (4 inch) mat with a slit cut into it for the stem to prevent cabbage root fly from destroying the roots. Use fine mesh or fleece over the summer to prevent butterflies laying eggs on the underside of leaves - caterpillars can destroy these plants. Protect against birds which can damage the young seedlings and overwintering crops. May need supportive canes during the winter. |
| 2 | 10cm | 10cm x 10cm | Buckwheat can be pulled up and composted or turned under any time. It will return the most organic matter when taken down 5 to 6 weeks after seeding.Use the buckwheat to improve soil, mixing a balanced organic fertiliser from the compost into the soil before planting will give better results. To limit reseeding pull up buckwheat just after it blooms, but before it develops mature seeds, otherwise it will be invasive. |
Cabbage (Autumn Red)
| 6 | 75cm | 60cm x 90cm | The cabbage varieties are intended to follow each other for harvesting and should be labelled to avoid errors when harvesting. Surround stem with a 10cm (4 inch) mat with a slit cut into it for the stem to prevent cabbage root fly from destroying the roots. Use fine mesh or fleece over the summer to prevent butterflies laying eggs on the underside of leaves - caterpillars can destroy these plants. |
Cabbage (Spring Red)
| 6 | 75cm | 60cm x 90cm | See above. |
| 2 | 30cm | 25cm x 60cm | To be planted where space permits, to provide colour and to deter damaging insects. |
| 77 | 10cm | 10cm x 15cm | Slugs love young carrot seedlings so protect early started plants. Thin out when the seedlings are large enough to handle if they are too close (best done in damp evenings to prevent carrot fly). Cover with mesh or fleece to deter carrot fly. Weed carefully during early stages. Soil where carrots are to be planted does not require any fertiliser this would cause the roots to fork out. Sowing with a couple of weeks in between will even out the harvest, which can last well into autumn and even winter. |
| 7 | 35cm | 30cm x 40cm | Pinching back in late spring helps to keep plants bushy and full, and it delays flowering. Catnip flower clusters are visited by numerous small beneficial insects. If you can, grow clumps in different parts of your garden. Did you know cats really do like this plant??? Gather sprigs as desired for the pleasure of your cats. One small stem tip with four to eight leaves is plenty for one or two cats to enjoy. Gather stems for drying in early summer, just before the plants bloom. |
| 7 | 30cm | 25cm x 40cm | Cut branches when they are holding numerous open flowers, and hang in small bunches to dry. Chamomile tea is made from the blossoms only. When the stems are dry, pop off the blossoms and store them in an airtight container. |
Chives (Garlic)
| 1 | 15cm | 15cm x 20cm | Usually sow direct into soil in late spring. Alternatively, divide plants in autumn or early spring. Lift and divide clumps every 3 years. |
| 1 | 20cm | 15cm x 25cm | Can harvest leaves, or leave to flower and produce seeds which can be ground down and used in cooking. |
| 3 | 60cm | 60cm x 60cm | Harvest before the cougettes get too big and turn into marrows. This encourages more cougettes to grow. Feed with a liquid general purpose feed every fortnight during the summer. |
| 18 | 35cm | 30cm x 40cm | Dig plants up in early autumn to harvest the roots. Small divisions with skimpy root systems can be replanted and allowed to grow for another year. For enhancing immunity to colds, echinacea tinctures or teas are taken every few hours for several days. |
Fennel (Herb)
| 1 | 35cm | 30cm x 40cm | Gather fennel fronds as you need them in the kitchen. Fennel can reseed to the point of weediness. Gathering and using the blooms as cut flowers will prevent excessive reseeding. Prune back in the Autumn to prevent plant turning to mush. |
| 3 | 30cm | 30cm x 30cm | Frequent cutting of blossoms helps feverfew stay in bloom longer. Depending on climate, feverfew is a biennial or short-lived perennial. When seeds are started early, it will bloom its first year. To harvest for medicinal use, gather when the plants are in full flower but still holding an abundance of greenery. Medicinal preparations are made from a mixture of dried flowers and leaves. Remove some of the seedlings if there are plenty this plant can become invasive. |
Fruit Tree
| 2 | 3.00m | 3.00m x 3.00m | 1 no. Family Pear Tree &
1 no. Malus Tree.
Both trees to be double staked and rabbit guards put in place. To be soaked prior to planting and well watered in for following 2 weeks. To be planted up to existing soil level. |
| 2 | 15cm | 10cm x 25cm | Plenty of rich compost. Best grown from cloves, planted direct into holes, pointed end up in late autumn or late winter. Dig up bulbs in summer when leaves start to turn yellow. Clean them and let them dry out over a few days before storing. |
| 1 | 90cm | 90cm x 90cm | May need potash (potassium) adding, particularly if the leaves start to brown at the edges. Prune back to 5 leaves each side after harvesting fruit. |
Grape Vine
| 3 | 1.50m | 1.50m x 1.50m | After harvesting prune the bush back to three buds. Vines can gradually be trained up a support system. Prior to main harvest it is beneficial to remove some of the grapes to allow the others to swell and produce better fruit. |
| 18 | 40cm | 35cm x 50cm | Wait until spring to prune back lavender plants, because the dead stems help shelter the base of the plants from harsh winter weather. Gather stems shortly after blooms open for drying before storing use in the home and in cooking. |
| 26 | 20cm | 15cm x 30cm | Can be left in the ground until required and harvested right through autumn, winter and early spring. Give them a good amount of soluble feed in late summer whilst it's still warm. |
Lemon Balm
| 3 | 60cm | 60cm x 60cm | Locate it where leaves can be conveniently picked, crushed and sniffed. Cut back in the autumn to prevent the plant from spreading. |
Lettuce (Headed)
| 15 | 25cm | 20cm x 30cm | Sow in containers to give the plants protection from slugs. Plant batches of established seedlings every week or so, to prolong the harvesting season. When the heart of the lettuce feels firm pull the whole plant up and cut off the roots. Harvest in the morning when the leaves are cool and full of moisture. |
Lettuce (Miners)
| 30 | 10cm | 10cm x 10cm | Cut leaves as required, the more you cut them the more you will get. |
| 2 | 60cm | 60cm x 60cm | Tender young growth has the best flavour. In summer, consider pruning plants back to force them to push out a flush of new leaves. Start a new plant every 2/3 years but remember it's a large plant so plant at the rear of the bed allow 1sq mtr for a full grown plant. |
| 4 | 20cm | 20cm x 20cm | To be planted where space permits to add colour and deter damaging insects. |
| 6 | 20cm | 15cm x 25cm | Harvest as required, a few leaves at a time. Can be dried by hanging a bunch in a dry place although some flavour is lost when dried. |
| 3 | 90cm | 90cm x 90cm | Rich compost. As soon as fruit has set feed twice with two week intervals with soluble general plant feed. Keep moist by watering regularly. Pinch out the growing tip once the plant has made three leaves and do the same to side shoots as they appear. Harvest when feels slightly soft. |
| 1 | 20cm | 15cm x 25cm | To be planted in a container as is very invasive and needs to be controlled. |
| 4 | 30cm | 30cm x 50cm | Moving clumps every few years may help limit problems with powdery mildew. Varities are available which are resistant to mildew. Harvest stems to make tea, they will re-grow and bloom again. |
| 55 | 15cm | 10cm x 20cm | Easiest to sow onion sets (tiny bulbs) which are planted direct into the soil from autumn onwards. Can also be grown from seed in which case start in pots under cover in late winter before planting out mid-late spring. If grown from seed they are less likley to bolt and produce flowers taking goodness from the bulb. Weed around frequently, harvest then dry for a couple of weeks before using. Can be hung in dry place for storage. |
| 1 | 20cm | 15cm x 25cm | Pinch out regularly to get a mounded rather than straggly plant. If too invasive can be cut back after flowering. Gather sprigs as needed in the kitchen. Gather stems for drying in early summer, just before the plants bloom. |
Other (Large)
| 97 | 50cm | 50cm x 50cm | 91 no. Prunus laurocerasus & prunus laurocerasus variegata mix planted randomly with Beech hedging total laurocerasus 91.
2 no. Evergreen Honeysuckle (Lonicera)
3 no. Miscanthus sinensis or similar large ornamental grasses.
1 x' Miscanthus Gracmillius' |
Other (Medium)
| 16 | 25cm | 25cm x 25cm | 17 no. Ornamental Grasses including Purple Lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis), |
Other (Perennial)
| 1 | 50cm | 50cm x 50cm | 1 no. Miscanthus sinensis 'Gigantica'. |
Other (Small)
| 458 | 10cm | 10cm x 10cm | 458 no. Fagus sylvatica & Fagus sylvatica Purpura mix of each 1 ltr container 60-90cms. |
Pak Choi
| 10 | 35cm | 30cm x 40cm | Surround stem with a 10cm (4 inch) mat with a slit cut into it for the stem to prevent cabbage root fly from destroying the roots. Use fine mesh or fleece over the summer to prevent butterflies laying eggs on the underside of leaves - caterpillars can destroy these plants. Keep soil moist in dry weather. |
| 20 | 20cm | 20cm x 30cm | Thin out when the seedlings are large enough to handle if they are too close. Weed carefully during early stages. Cover with mesh or fleece if carrot fly has been a problem in the past, although parsnips are less susceptible to this. dig fork in carefully around plant before harvesting. Sow in batches couple of weeks apart to prolong harvesting into the winter months. |
Potatoes (Early)
| 12 | 40cm | 30cm x 50cm | Plenty of good compost dug into soil before planting. As shoots appear, draw soil over them if there is still a possibility of frost. Once the shoots are hand height, earth them up by drawing more soil around them leaving the top of the shoots still showing to keep the actual potatoes covered. If any potatoes get exposed to light and turn green they should not be eaten. Make sure potatoes are kept watered in dry weather. Once the foliage has wilted harvest the main crop within a couple of weeks, digging in from the side to avoid damaging the tubers.
The two varieties of potatoes will follow on from each other, and should be labelled to avoid any errors when harvesting. |
Potatoes (Maincrop)
| 10 | 45cm | 35cm x 75cm | See above. |
| 2 | 90cm | 90cm x 90cm | Give a fortnightly liquid feed from mid-summer onwards. Towards the end of the summer raise the pumpkins off the ground by putting a piece of wood or similar under them to prevent rotting. Water roots generously in dry weather.When the plant starts to die cut off the pumpkins leaving part of the stalk attached. Allow the skin to harden in the sun for a few days if wanting to store them in a frost-free place. |
| 20 | 10cm | 10cm x 20cm | Sow at fortnightly intervals to prolong harvesting. Harvest as soon as the root has developed to a usable size, while taste and texture are still good. |
| 1 | 70cm | 60cm x 90cm | After harvesting cut the canes down to ground level, leaving any new shoots.Harvest fruit when ripe. Can protect with netting if birds are eating them but make sure that the plant doesn't grow through the netting making it difficult to remove. |
| 1 | 90cm | 90cm x 90cm | Do not harvest during the first year of growth. After this, pull a few of the thicker sticks when long enough. Stop harvesting in early summer and allow plants to grow freely for the rest of the season. Early sweet stems can be produced by forcing and blanching the rhubarb: in mid winter to early spring add dry material such as leaves or straw and cover with a deep container or bucket to exlude light for about one month. |
| 1 | 20cm | 20cm x 20cm | One month after planting give a good long feed with liquid general purpose feed. Frequent pinching back helps to keep plants bushy and full, and it delays flowering. Trailing rosemary is great cascading over a wall. Cut back in the autumn if becoming too large or straggly. |
| 3 | 30cm | 30cm x 30cm | Pinching off the first bloom will encourage plants to grow into lush bushes bearing numerous flower spikes. |
| 39 | 15cm | 10cm x 15cm | Harvest from mid summer as soon as they reach a reasonable size. If storing them, wait until the tops start to die down and dry for about 10 days. |
Spring Onion
| 62 | 10cm | 10cm x 10cm | Keep well watered in dry conditions and weed free. Harvest as required when they reach a usable size. |
| 9 | 50cm | 45cm x 60cm | Can be raised from seed but most people use new plants, or produce their own from runners which existing plants put out during summer. Usually need to be planted by autumn for a crop the following year, although good bought-in plants can be planted in spring and still produce a crop. Feed with a general purpose liquid feed in autumn and again in early spring, topdress established plants with rich compost or an organic fertilizer. Allow plants to rest in midsummer. Slugs can be deterred with straw mulch or traps. Use netting to protect ripening berries from birds.Harvest in the morning when fruit is cool, wash and put in fridge asap. Use a trailing variety so they tumble over the raised beds. |
| 37 | 30cm | 30cm x 30cm | Support with canes if too heavy to stand alone. Apply a light organic fertilizer prior to planting for maximum results. Great fun Sunflower competitions can encourage youngsters into the vegetable garden. |
| 8 | 35cm | 30cm x 45cm | Support with canes if necessary not usually required. Harvest just before eating to get the sweetest taste, when the tassles at the top of the cobs turn brown to black. You can peel back the leaves and check the corn: if they ooze milky sap when pressed with a fingernail then they are ready. Keep a minimum of 7 plants together as they pollinate each other using the wind. |
| 8 | 30cm | 30cm x 40cm | Bees like the pink ones!! Plants are often short-lived, so root a few stem cuttings each spring to always have vigorous young plants. Give a generous liquid feed one month after planting. To be planted on perimeter, this plant will spread and can be walked upon, this will release scent. |
Tomato (Cherry)
| 8 | 50cm | 45cm x 60cm | Feed weekly with a liquid general purpose feed, during the growing season. Look out for ....Blossom end rot patches on the bottom of fruits are a nutritional disorder best prevented by growing tomatoes in well-prepared soil with constant light moisture. Yellow leaves indicate lack of magnesium, so apply liquid feed.Trailing variety so they tumble over the raised beds. |
Tree (Small)
| 1 | 2.50m | 2.50m x 2.50m | Pinus Mugo or similar. To be double staked and rabbit guard put in place. To be well soaked prior to planting and for two weeks after. To be planted to existing soil level. |
| 2 | 90cm | 90cm x 90cm | |