Garden Plans > 2013: Robin's Garden

About this Garden Plan

Due to the size restrictions set forth with the software designer, this garden plan has been split in 2 sections (1 and 2) in order to publish and view it. Actural Garden Size: 184' long x 35' wide. Veggie and Fruit Garden has a combination of in-ground, raised beds and 100 gallon grow bags.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Bella Vista, CA./USDA Hardiness Zone 8
Garden Size: 92' 11" x 79' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Artichoke (Globe) 51' 11"1' 11" x 4' 11"Globe artichokes need to be grown on well drained soil that t is kept moist in the summer & dry in the winter.Artichoke plants grown in a sunny position will have more flavour if grown in direct sunlight. Be-fore planting, dig in well-rotted manure or garden compost. Start seeds indoors 2nd week of February. Plant out as soon as soil reaches 60 degrees (April), 24" apart, Rows 5' apart for a crop in August or September.Cut the flowers on 2- 3 yr old plants in July.By late May or early June the artichokes should be growing sturdily. If they are not doing well by then you should top dress with a complete fertilizer or dried blood at the start of May. If planted in spring the young plants will produce heads in late summer.Harvest in August or September for new plants, or in July for older plants. Globe Artichokes grow a large thistle-like head at the ends of the stems and a number of smaller heads on lateral shootsHarvest the artichoke flower.
Arugula 355"3" x 7" 
237"5" x 9" 
 Siam Queen Thai
297"5" x 9"Start seeds indoors 4 wks before (April 1)last frost dates(May 1). When temps get to 70-75 degrees, set pots outside in a protected area to harden plants for transplanting outdoors. Plant 12 to 15 ins. apart
Beans (Bush Snap)
 Jade II
454"4" x 1' 5"Long, straight, stringless, 6 1/2-in. pods are exceptionally sweet and tender. Harvest continues over a long period. Upright bush holds pods well above the ground. Widely adapted. 2 oz. per pkt. 60 DAYS. Zones: 3 - 9 annual Height: 15-22 inches Spacing: 3 to 5 inches. Depth: 1/2 inch to 1 inch. Rows: 18-36 inches apart. Spread: Vine Sun/Shade: Full sun
 Detroit White
115"3" x 7"Yellow and white beets tend to be sweeter than red varieties, and the best beets to use with other roasted vegetables because they don't bleed red juice. Newer hybrids are usually sweeter than older varieties and offer more green leaves.Beets can develop an off flavor in hot weather, so plan on harvesting in early summer or fall. If you have hot summers, choose a variety that matures in 45-60 days. Beets grow well in average garden soil. The best crop is achieved with pH 6.5 in a rich, sandy loam prepared with well-rotted manure and compost to a depth of 8 inches. Beets do not thrive if the pH is below 5.8.Germination should occur in 5 to 10 days if seeds are kept sufficiently moist. Plan on an average of 10-20 plants per person. When Beets are hardy and may be sown as soon as the ground can be worked. Beet seeds can germinate in cool soil, but they sprout best when soil temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be planted directly in the garden one month before your last spring frost. For succession crop, plantings can be made every 2 weeks to mid-summer. Beets can become tough and stringy if grown in hot weather during droughts; ample water supply is essential to succulent roots. A late summer crop can be sown for fall harvest, start planting them 10 to 12 weeks before the 1st fall frost.Sow seed 1/2 inch deep in rows 12-18 inches apart. The beet seed is a compact ball of many tiny seeds. Many plants germinate where each seed is sown, so seed should be placed sparingly. When seedlings are 4-6 inches high, thin plants to stand 1 1/2 inches apart. (They can be used in salad or cooked as spinach.) Then, as these beets grow to about an inch in diameter, pull every other one to allow larger beets to grow. An additional thinning when the roots reach a diameter of 1 inch to a spacing of 4 inches between plants will enable the roots to reach their full potential size.Beets should be ready to harvest within 60 days of planting.
 Bull's Blood Organic
105"3" x 7"Yellow and white beets tend to be sweeter than red varieties, and the best beets to use with other roasted vegetables because they don't bleed red juice. Newer hybrids are usually sweeter than older varieties and offer more green leaves.Beets can develop an off flavor in hot weather, so plan on harvesting in early summer or fall. If you have hot summers, choose a variety that matures in 45-60 days. Beets grow well in average garden soil. The best crop is achieved with pH 6.5 in a rich, sandy loam prepared with well-rotted manure and compost to a depth of 8 inches. Beets do not thrive if the pH is below 5.8.Germination should occur in 5 to 10 days if seeds are kept sufficiently moist. Plan on an average of 10-20 plants per person. When Beets are hardy and may be sown as soon as the ground can be worked. Beet seeds can germinate in cool soil, but they sprout best when soil temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be planted directly in the garden one month before your last spring frost. For succession crop, plantings can be made every 2 weeks to mid-summer. Beets can become tough and stringy if grown in hot weather during droughts; ample water supply is essential to succulent roots. A late summer crop can be sown for fall harvest, start planting them 10 to 12 weeks before the 1st fall frost.Sow seed 1/2 inch deep in rows 12-18 inches apart. The beet seed is a compact ball of many tiny seeds. Many plants germinate where each seed is sown, so seed should be placed sparingly. When seedlings are 4-6 inches high, thin plants to stand 1 1/2 inches apart. (They can be used in salad or cooked as spinach.) Then, as these beets grow to about an inch in diameter, pull every other one to allow larger beets to grow. An additional thinning when the roots reach a diameter of 1 inch to a spacing of 4 inches between plants will enable the roots to reach their full potential size.Beets should be ready to harvest within 60 days of planting.
Bok Choy
 Baby Choi Organic
41' 5"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
11' 1"11" x 1' 11" 
Calendula 411"9" x 1' 11" 
312"2" x 5" 
302"2" x 3" 
611"11" x 1' 5" 
549"9" x 9"65-75 days. Easily the earliest yellow corn with main season quality! Up to 5 1/2 feet tall, plants yield 7 inch ears filled with sweet, buttery kernels that are plump to the tip even under stress. Picks easily. Good cool-soil vigor and superior flavor. Planting instructions:Plant Precocious corn when all danger of frost is gone in a sunny location. The ground should be enriched with organic material then cultivated and loosened for best results. Press soil firmly over seeds and keep moist. Plant in blocks of at least four rows side by side to insure best results from pollination. Avoid one long row style planting. Plant Precocious corn every 3 weeks for extended harvest. Different varieties of corn should generally be separated by 500 feet to prevent cross pollination. Planting Depth Seed: 1-1 1/2" Spacing Row Spacing:36-36" Germination Temperature: 50 - 85 Germination Time in Days: 7-10 Average Planting Dates: 5/5-7/1 Seeds per foot row: 1 Spacing after Thinning : 8-12"
 Delectable (F1) (se+)
4611"11" x 11"84 Days For best germination, soil temperature should be at least 70F. Corn does not like cold wet soil so resist the urge to plant until the soil temperature is 60-85F. If in doubt, get a soil thermometer and check. Because corn is wind pollinated, plant individual varieties in blocks of 4 rows. Space rows 24-30 inches apart, and make row furrows about 6-8 inches deep. Spread 3-5 pounds of a complete fertilizer per 100 linear feet or 100 square feet. Back fill the furrow until it is 1-2 inches deep. Sow seeds every 4 inches and cover with soil or sifted compost. Days to emergence: 7-14, when soil temperature is 65-85F. When seedlings are 4-5" tall, thin plants to a final spacing of 8-12" apart. Water regularly and deeply. Up until the corn begins to tassel, use a high nitrogen fertilizer as a foliar spray every 7-14 days. If the color of the plant is dark green, cut back the fertilizer. Mulch with compost or composted manure to help retain moisture and control weeds. Vigorous plants stand a stately 7' or taller and exhibit disease resistance to Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt, and Northern Corn Leaf Blight
Flower 47"5" x 7" 
Flower 57"5" x 7" 
 Purple Prince Tulip
14"4" x 4" 
 Dutch Iris
103"3" x 3" 
 Celebrity Red Mom Petunia
127"5" x 7" 
Flower 117"5" x 7" 
 Merline Blue Morn-Petunia
57"5" x 7" 
 Horizon Yellow Petunia
67"5" x 7" 
Fruit (Bush)
 Undetermined Shrub
12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
 Pink Lemonade (Varigated)
29' 9"9' 9" x 9' 9" 
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
29' 10"9' 10" x 9' 10" 
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
 Improved Meyer Lemon
19' 9"9' 9" x 9' 9" 
1023"3" x 3"Harvest beautiful leeks with this dependable, heavy-yielding variety. Thick white shafts 12 to 14 inches long are topped with dark blue-green flags. Has good virus tolerance. Height: 12" to 24" Spacing: 6" to 9"
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Red/Green Salad Bowl Mix
207"7" x 11"DAYS: 45-50 Most lettuces are hardy, cool-season crops that can be planted as early as the soil can be worked. Many do best when the air temperature is between 60-70F, and will germinate well at soil temperatures as low as 40F. Choose heat tolerant varieties for summer plantings. Lettuce can be sown either directly into the garden or started indoors and transplanted. With succession plantings every 3 weeks, you can enjoy fresh salads all season. A cold frame and cold-hardy varieties can stretch the spring and fall growing season into the winter months. Optimum soil temperature range for germination: 40-75F. Days to emergence: 2-15. TO DIRECT SOW: Sow seed 1/8 inch deep, 1 inch apart, in rows 16-18 inches apart. Cover seeds lightly and firm gently. As soon as 2-3 true leaves have formed, thin loose-leaf types 10-14 inches apart. TO SOW INDOORS: Sow 3-4 seeds per inch in sterile seedling mix 3 weeks prior to planting out. Transplant individual plants into pots or cell trays 2 weeks after sowing. Before planting outside, harden off for 2-3 days by reducing water and placing outdoors in a sheltered location. Leafy green vegetables require a moderately fertile soil.
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Parris Island Cos
67"7" x 11" 
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Mesclun mix
43"3" x 5" 
 Noir De Carmes Cantaloupe
41' 11"1' 11" x 4' 11"Noir de Carmes Melon: A beautiful and rare heirloom from France, and the famous "Black Rock" melon preserved by the Carmelite monks. It was mentioned by Mawe & Abercrombie in 1787. Nearly black in color, the fruit turns orange as it ripens. They are deeply ribbed and have smooth skin. The flesh is orange in color, thick, flavorful and perfumed. Excellent and unusual. The fruit weigh about 3-6 lbs. each. Sow in place about two weeks after last frost of spring. Plant seed about one inch deep, 12 inches apart, in rows 5 feet apart. Or plant in hills, 4-5 seeds per hill, with hills about 5 feet apart. In short-season climates, grow transplants indoors, starting about 1 week before last frost date and set out about 2-3 weeks after sowing; never let transplants become root-bound in their container. (less) Germ 7-14 days Depth 1 in Germ 7-14 days Depth 1 in Spacing 12 in Row Spacing 36 in Sunlight Full Sun Planting Time Spring Harvest 60-90 days
Onion 495"3" x 7" 
Onion (Red) 495"3" x 7" 
 Gigante D'Italia
81"1" x 1"Certified Organic Seed Parsley Giant of Italy. Large flat leaf type parsley. Also known as Prezzemolo Gigante d'Italia. Different than Gigante di Napoli, whic is also available and though not of organic seed. Excellent flavor. 75-80 days. Plant March through September, harvest June through December. Parsley is slow to germinate & requires 14-21 days, especially if direct seeded. Start seeds inside mid-February, 6-7 weeks before set out (3-4 weeks before last frost) with 3-4 seeds per cell (soaking overnight speeds up germination). Thin to one or leave all growing. Space 12" in rows 12". Can also direct seed, 4-5 seeds every 12" and either thin or let them all grow. Cold hardy. Will take heavy frosts and survive zone 6 winters if given some protection
 Javelin (F1)
502"2" x 11"110 Days
 Lincoln Pole Peas
223"3" x 7"English or garden peas are frost hardy, thrive and like to be planted in cool weather (55 to 60F) They can become bitter with heat. Therefore, plant outdoors in full sun, in early spring for an early summer harvest or mid to late summer for a fall harvest. Plant the seeds 1 inches deep spacing them at a rate of one to two seeds every two inches. Space the rows 2 feet apart.
 King Of The North
21' 2"1' 2" x 1' 3"THE KING OF THE NORTH DAYS 65-75 The King of the North sweet pepper is a very sweet, very thick, pepper. The fruits grow from green to red to brown and reach 4" to 6" around. The King of the North peppers have 3-4 lobes and are a great pepper for the home garden. Planting instructions:Start 'The King' pepper seeds indoors 7-8 weeks (1st week of March)before last spring frost in a sunny, warm location. Sow seeds 1/4" deep, 2" apart, rows 36" apart. Transplant to a sunny, well drained location in the late spring when the cultivated and enriched with organic material ground is warm and all danger of frost is past. Care: Water lightly to keep soil moist. Control weeds with cultivation or mulch. Days of Maturity: 65 to 75 days after transplanting.
 Hungarian Yellow Hot Wax
31' 1"11" x 1' 3"HUNGARIAN YELLOW HOT WAX 70 DAYS A Mexican favorite that's four to five times hotter than jalapeno: distinctive pungent flavor. Heat-lovers, here's another Mexican favorite used in a variety of dishes, from salsas to soups, with a distinctive, pungent flavor. Large 2-3' plants produce transplant. Sun: Full Sun Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Height: 18-24 inches Spread: 16 inches Start seed indoors, 2nd week of February (6-8 weeks before last frost. May 1st, after the last frost of the year, find a good spot in your garden to grow your peppers. Dig down to a depth of 1 ft, placing each hole a distance of 2 ft from any other hole in which you will plant your peppers. Pack a 4 " thick layer of manure into the bottom of each hole. Turn the soil thoroughly, mixing in peat moss in an equal amount. Place the soil back in the hole, water it thoroughly and turn it with a garden fork once a week Begin planting the peppers seeds once the outdoor temps. reach above 75 degrees . Push 1 seed 1in deep into the center of each prepared plot of soil.Cover them over and water them thoroughly.Keep the soil moist at all times, watering once a day if necessary.The seeds should sprout after less than 1 mo.Lay sheets black gardening plastic and cut out holes for the plants and then place them on the mulch. Hammer stakes into the perimeter of these sheets to anchor them. Peppers like when the soil temps exceeds 85 degrees.Feed half strength everyother watering.
 Hot Portugal
31' 5"1' 7" x 1' 11"HOT PORTUGAL DAYS 64 A spicy, 7-8", tapered and slightly curved red pepper that is part of the Cayenne group. Fruits are thick, with a good level of heat making them versatile in their uses. Plants yield well, with vigorous growth. Start hot pepper seed indoors (2nd week in February) 6 to 8 wks before the date you intend to set peppers (May 1)into the garden. Peppers can be seeded in the garden or transplanted out 2 to 3 wks after the last frost in spring after the soil temp. has risen to at least 65F. Hot peppers grow best where the air temperature ranges from 70 to 95F.Grow peppers in full sun in soil that is rich in organic matter, moisture retentive but well draining.Sow hot pepper seed inch deep, 18 to 24 in apart. Space rows 24 to 36 ins apart. Sow two seeds to each spot and thin to the most successful seedling. Peppers can be transplanted into the garden when they are 4 to 6 ins.tall. Keep peppers evenly moist but not wet particularly when blossoms appear and fruit begin to form. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers.
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"SERRANO 75 DAYS Full Sun 18 -24" TALL Start seeds indoors 6-8 WKS (2ND WK OF FEB) before the (5-1) last frost date ZONE 8 Use commercial seeds or ones saved from non-hybrid plants grown previously. Plants grown from the seeds of hybrid plants won't breed true, meaning their characteristics may differ markedly from the parent plants. Fill a small pot with moistened seed starting mix and make a hole 1/4 inch deep. Place 2 seeds into the hole, then cover the seeds with a pinch more starting mix. Water gently to settle the seeds. Cover the container with clear plastic wrap and place the pot in a warm spot, out of direct sunlight. Check the pot daily to make sure the soil is still moist. Remove the plastic as soon as seedlings appear and place the pot in a sunny window or under grow lights. When the seedlings have developed one or two sets of true leaves, use scissors to cut off the less vigorous of the two seedlings. Don't pull the seedling out, as you'll disturb the roots of the remaining plant. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Fertilize with a half-strength solution of liquid fertilizer once every 10 days. The seedlings can be planted outside after all danger of frost has passed. Harden them off for a week before planting them out by setting them outside during the day and then bringing them indoors at night. Choose a garden site in full sun. Since hot peppers such as Anaheims and serranos are especially susceptible to bacterial spot diseases, good drainage and air circulation are essential. Small finger-shaped hot peppers picked green or red. Incorporate a granular vegetable fertilizer into the soil, as well. Rake the soil smooth, then mark off the planting rows. If drainage is poor on your site, create raised planting rows by hilling up 6 to 8 inches of soil, then leveling off the top of the rows with the back of the rake. Rows should be at least 2 feet apart. Tie the plants loosely to the stake as they grow taller.
 Purple Beauty
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"PURPLE BEAUTY 65 to 80 days The Big Red sweet pepper is a very sweet, very thick, pepper. The fruits grow from green to red and reach 4" around. The Big Red peppers have 3-4 lobes and are a great pepper for the home garden. Planting instructions: Start Purple Beauty pepper seeds indoors 7-8 weeks (1st week of March)before last spring frost in a sunny, warm location. Sow seeds 1/4" deep, 2" apart, rows 36" apart. Transplant to a sunny, well drained location in the late spring when the cultivated and enriched with organic material ground is warm and all danger of frost is past. Care: Water lightly to keep soil moist. Control weeds with cultivation or mulch. .
 Marconi (OG)
21' 1"11" x 1' 3"MARCONI 72 days Height: 18-24 inches Spread: 12 inches Marconi peppers, in shades of green, red, gold and purple, are sweet members of the Capsicum family, closely resembling bell peppers in flavor. Growing from 6 to 8 inches in length and approximately 2 to 3 inches wide, heirloom and hybrid Marconi varieties add color, flavor and nutritional value to a wealth of recipes around the world. Sow seeds indoors ,6 to 8 weeks before the last frost (1st week of March) 1 to 3 seeds per pot spaced at least one inch apart, cover with a thin layer of potting mix and water each pot gently to set seeds in the soil. Mist seedlings regularly to keep the soil moist but not saturated until germination occurs. With proper moisture and temperatures, germination typically takes from seven to 14 days. Thin out all but the strongest one or two seedlings in each pot by snipping or pinching off the other sprouts.Transplant pepper seedlings to outside or larger containers once they grow at least two sets of true leaves. True leaves are the second set of leaves to appear after germination. Dig a hole deep and wide enough to accommodate the root ball of the pepper seedling. Space pepper plants 12" apart within a row and allow 18" or more between rows. Water each seedling lightly to settle soil then apply a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to the base of each plant, following the manufacturer's dosage recommend-ations for starter plants.Water pepper plants regularly with an inch or more of water per week during the growing season. Avoid overwatering and use soaker hoses, if possible, for best results. Apply a second fertilizer application to the pepper plants after fruits have set. Apply a balanced, granulated fertilizer along the sides of each row at a rate of 1/4 lb. per every 10 feet.
 Big Red
31' 1"11" x 1' 3"BIG RED DAYS: 70 to 80 days Plant Size: 24 to 36 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide. Space plants about 18 inches apart in rows 30 inches apart. Many say that this newer open pollinated variety yields better than the hybrids. You will get an abundance of 4 inch, thick walled, very sweet red peppers. Flavor is crisp and delicious.Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Big red hybrid is thought of as tender, so remember to wait until your soil is warm and the night time temperature is well above freezing before moving outside. The USDA Hardiness Zones typically associated with Big red hybrid are Zone 5 and Zone 12. Ensure your soil is loamy and has a ph of between 7.0 and 8.5 as Chili pepper is a neutral soil to weakly alkaline soil loving plant. Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 1.95 inches (5.0 cm) and sow at a depth of around 0.2 inches (0.5 cm). Soil temperature should be kept higher than 18C / 64F to ensure good germination. By our calculations, you should look at sowing Big red hybrid about 38 days before your last frost date (1st week of March).
 Ancho (Poblano)
31' 1"1' 1" x 1' 3"ANCHO Days 65 to 80 ANCHOS are relatively mild and have a Scoville heat rating between 1000-1500. Mature pepper pods are somewhat stocky grow to a length of 3-6 inches, becoming dark red. The plants themselves are fairly small, reaching a height of about 2ft. Pepper should be started indoor approx. 8 wks(2nd Wk of Feb) prior to the last frost of the spring. Sow 1/4" deep in a well-drained starting medium.Seeds require lots of warm to germinate; medium should be between 80-85 degs. F. Using a heat mat, available at home and garden store and elsewhere, can help to ensure ideal conditions. Additionally, young starts will fare much better with additional light. Place in a window or sunny location that receives lots of southern or southwestern sun exposure. Consider supplementing with artificial lighting if possible.Set plants out 2-3 wks after average last frost (5/15) when the soil has warmed and the weather has settled. Peppers can be temperamental when it comes to setting fruit if temperatures are too hot or too cool. Nighttime temperatures below 60 F or above 75 F can reduce fruit set. Plant them 12" - 24"apart, in rows 24"-36" apart, or spaced about 14"-16"apart in raised beds. Do not rush to transplant your starts out-doors. Select a location that receives plenty of light and heat, and has not been used for tomatoes, potatoes or other members of this family for several years. Peppers will do best with soil that is fertile, lightweight, slightly acidic (pH5.5-7.0) and well-drained. Wait until soil temperatures exceed 50 deg. F before placing into the ground. Pepper plants should be fairly close to one another, so that there is slight contact between plants.Peppers need a steady supply of water for best performance. If fertilizing, be careful not to overdo it on nitrogen as this can deter fruit growth. Organic fertilizers and soil should be rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium.Mulch with black plastic. Stake plants
 Anaheim Chili
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"ANAHEIM CHILI 80 DAYS Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Height: 18-24 inches Spread: 16 inches Start seeds indoors 6-8 WKS (2ND WK OF FEB) before the (5-1) last frost date ZONE 8 Use commercial seeds or ones saved from non-hybrid plants grown previously. Plants grown from the seeds of hybrid plants won't breed true, meaning their characteristics may differ markedly from the parent plants. Fill a small pot with moistened seed starting mix and make a hole 1/4 inch deep. Place 2 seeds into the hole, then cover the seeds with a pinch more starting mix. Water gently to settle the seeds. Cover the container with clear plastic wrap and place the pot in a warm spot,out of direct sun-light.Check the pot daily to make sure the soil is still moist.Remove the plastic as soon as seedlings appear and place the pot in a sunny window or under grow lights. When the seedlings have developed one or two sets of true leaves, use scissors to cut off the less vigorous of the 2 seedlings.Don't pull the seedling out, as you'll disturb the roots of the remaining plant.Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Fertilize with a half-strength solution of liquid fertilizer once every 10 days.The seedlings can be planted outside after all danger of frost has passed.Harden them off for a week before planting them out by setting them outside during the day and then bringing them indoors at night.Choose a garden site in full sun.Since hot peppers such as Anaheims and serranos are especially susceptible to bacterial spot diseases, good drainage and air circulation are essential.Small finger-shaped hot peppers picked green or red. Incorporate a granular vegetable fertilizer into the soil, as well.Rake the soil smooth, then mark off the planting rows.If drainage is poor on your site, create raised planting rows by hilling up 6"- 8 "of soil,then leveling off the top of the rows with the back of the rake.Rows should be at least2' apart.Tie the plants loosely to the stake as they grow
 Early Jalapeno (OG)
31' 1"11" x 1' 3"EARLY JALAPENO 72-75 DAYS Sun: Full Sun Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Height: 14-18 inches Spread: 16 inches Most familiar in their green stage, Jalapeños are hottest and fully ripe when they turn red.Space the jalapeno pepper plants 14" - 16" apart with about 2'-3' between rows. The plants will eventually grow to nearly 3' high The stocky 2' -3' tall plants will not fall over or break branches even with a heavy load of fruit. The 2"-3" peppers are thick-walled and juicy. Jalapeno pepper plants, like any chili pepper, start off a bit slow, so it is helpful to start to grow your plants in-doors anywhere from 8-12 weeks (2nd wk of Feb.-Zones 7/8) before transferring them outside. Early Jalapeño will set fruit under cooler conditions than other hot varieties.
 Diamond Sweet Pepper
31' 2"1' 2" x 1' 2"DIAMOND SWEET Days: 55-85 Plant produces good yields of beautiful tran-slucent white sweet bell peppers. Peppers turn from translucent white to pale yellow when mature.A must for the home gar-deners. They need at least 10 wks of hot weather to produce well.Using fine potting soil, sow the seeds, indoors, 1/4 in. deep 6 to 8 wks (1st week of March) before the last frost date.The best germ-ination rates occur when the soil temp is between 72-80 degs.About 1- 2 wks after the last spring frost, transplant in a sunny location. They like rich soil & need regular additional fertilizing.Work a large amount of com-post into the soil before planting.Dig a hole six to eight inches deep for each plant. Space two holes 10 to 15 inches apart. Use black plastic as a mulch.To protect peppers from sunburn, pinch plants to en-courage leaf growth. Keep peppers picked to sustain production levels.Use either a soaker hose/drip system to water.Keep water off of leaves.
 Black Hungarian
31' 1"11" x 1' 3"Highly ornamental in the field and on the plate! Green foliage is highlighted by purple veins and beautiful purple flowers. Sturdy plants grow 30-36" tall. Produces 3-4" fruits similar in shape to a jalapeno, but black in color ripening to red. Great in salsa and other Southwest dishes for mild heat and delicious flavor. SHU - 1,200 Days to maturity: 60 days black, 80 red Like the Jalapeno the Hungarian Black starts off a bit slow, so it is helpful to start to grow your plants in-doors anywhere from 8-12 weeks (2nd wk of Feb.-Zones 7/8) before transferring them outside (May 1-15).
Potatoes (Early)
 Rose Finn Apple Fingerling
211"11" x 1' 7"90 to 110 days. Rose Finn Apple is an heirloom variety with mouth-watering little finger-shaped spuds 2 to 5 ounces each and stuffed with savory flavor! A midseason variety, it matures in late summer.The skin is thin and pale pink, and the flesh a creamy yellow. The plant reaches just 12" to 18" tall but spreads up to 4' wide, and each 1lb bag of tubers will sow up to 25' of row and yield 20 to 30 lbs. of potatoes. Rose Finn Apple fares best in sandy, enriched soil, but if you have heavy or clay soil, just used a raised bed or plant the tubers more shallowly, mulching them well with straw. Here's how to grow them:If your soil is normal to sandy, work in some gypsum and Epsom salts before planting, then set the tubers 3"- 4"deep and 12" apart. (If your soil is heavier, plant more shallowly and rely on mulch rather than soil for coverage.) Potato tubers should be planted in early spring, at the same time as you sow your green peas. If a late frost threatens, just toss a few inches of straw or other mulch over the young plants, and chances are they'll be fine. Potatoes tend to grow their fruit right under the soil, and over time the tubers may stick out above the soil line. This can cause greening, which ruins the flavor (and adds toxins to the Potato), so watch your plants and add more soil, straw, or peat moss as necessary to keep the taters under wraps! The plants may also bloom, and small, hard green fruits will appear when the flowers pass. Don't be tempted to harvest them -- they're toxic!!! When it's time to harvest, begin at the outer edges of each plant and work your way in. You want to gently turn over the soil using a garden fork or blunt-edged spade, to avoid cutting into the potatoes. Store the spuds, unwashed and not touching one another, in a totally dark, cool place, where they'll last for several weeks
Potatoes (Early)
 Fingerling Salad
211"11" x 1' 7" 
 Kakai Hulless
32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
32' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
 Daikon Long
231"1" x 3" 
243"3" x 7" 
Radish 63"3" x 7" 
107"7" x 11" 
411"11" x 1' 3" 
 Regiment (F1)
183"3" x 11" 
Squash (Summer)
 Cube Of Butter Hybrid
22' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Squash (Summer)
 Sunburst (F1)
41' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11" 
Squash (Winter)
 Speckled Hound
22' 5"2' 5" x 2' 5" 
Squash (Winter)
 Carnival (F1)
42' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11" 
Squash (Winter)
11' 5"1' 5" x 5' 11" 
81' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5" 
 Fort Laramie
101' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5" 
 Italian White
2011"11" x 11" 
 Moulin Rouge
2011"11" x 11" 
 Velvet Queen
2011"11" x 11" 
Sunflower 611"11" x 11" 
 Cherry Rose
2011"11" x 11" 
 Fantasia Mix Hybrid
2011"11" x 11" 
Tomato (Small)
 Rainbow Cherry
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"CHERRY RAINBOW 65 days/transplanting When to start inside: RECOMMENDED. 6 to 8 weeks (March 1) before average last frost. Harvesting: Harvest tomatoes when fully colored and firm. About 1 month before (Oct. 1) the average first fall frost (Oct.31,), clip all blossoms and any undersized fruit off the plant. This will steer all the plants remaining energy into ripening whats left. If you have a lot of underripe tomatoes near the end of the season, and a frost is approaching, pick them and store them indoors in a single layer away from direct sunlight to ripen
Tomato (Small)
 Rossa Sicilian
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"ROSSA SICILLIAN 75-85 days Italian heirloom, flat deeply ribbed, up to 6 oz, Rosso (red) fruit. Brought to US from Sicily in 1987. Similar to Costoluto Genovese. Good fro sauce and drying. Red, Season Mid, Medium, Flat, Determinate Planting Depth 1/4" Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85F Days to Germ. 6-10 Plant Spacing 24" Row Spacing 3-5' Plant 3 or 4 ROSSA SICILLIAN tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/4 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 36-40" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Polish Linguisa
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"POLISH LINGUISA 73 days A meaty, delicious variety from Eastern Europe that was brought to America by Polish gardeners in the 1800s. Extremely large, the 10-12 oz. sausage-shaped fruits are produced on indeterminate vines. Seasonality: Mid Season Fruit Weight: 8-10 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Height: 36-40 inches Spread: 36-40 inches Plant 3 or 4 POLISH LINGUISA tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 36-40" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Principe Borghese
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"PRINCIPE BORGHESE 75 days An excellent heirloom grape tomato revered for its drying qualities and use in sauces. This determinate variety has fruits with few seeds and a relatively dry meat, perfect for paste. Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Height: 45-50 inches Spread: 12 inches Thinning: 12 inches Plant 3 or 4 PRINCIPE BORGHESE tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/4 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 18" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Sunsugar Hybrid
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"SUN SUGAR HYBRID Maturity: 62-67 Days Plant three or four sun sugar tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep. Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12 inches tall. Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution of one gallon of water mixed with 2 capfulls of fish emulsion. This liquid solution is to be given to the tomatoes once every 2 wks. Inaddition, once a month a dose of grandular fertilzer is to be mixed in the soil around each plant, but not touching any of the stem until the plants start fruiting. Then only as needed, water with liquid fertilzer solution
Tomato (Small)
 Super Sioux
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"SUPER SIOUX DAYS:70-80 Fruit Size: 2.0-4.0" Plant Height: 48.0-72.0" Plant Diameter: 24.0-36.0" Plant 3 or 4 SUPER SIOUX tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread:36" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 San Marzano Lampadina
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"SAN MARZANO LAMPADINA 80 days The long, blocky fruits mature with a small, discreet seed cavity that can be scooped out, leaving all meat. This means much less boiling to get a first class paste. The shape is also good for canning, and excellent for drying. Seasonality: Mid Season Fruit Weight: 2-4 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 40-48 inches Spread: Plant 3 or 4 SAN MARZANO LAMPADINA tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/4 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 24" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Gold
21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11" 
Tomato (Small)
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"OXHEART 85 DAYS Beautiful big, oval, pointed fruit with a fine sweet old time flavor! Popular with old timers, a good all-purpose variety. Planting Depth 1/4" Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85F Days to Germ. 6-10 Plant Spacing 24-36", 14-20" trellised Row Spacing 5', 4' trellised PLANT HEIGHT: 6' - 8' Plant 3 or 4 OXHEART tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 36" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Black Cherry (OG)
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"BLACK CHERRY Height: 42"- 48" 65 days An heirloom too rarely encountered, this delectable variety fully merits a place in the garden and on the dinner table. Yields plentiful clusters of perfectly round 1" true cherry tomatoes that are deep red with a blackish hue. The flavor? Complex, rich, juicy and sweet. Indeterminate. Harvest about 65 days from transplant. Product Details Seasonality: Early Season Fruit Weight: 1 ounces Plant 3 or 4 BLACK CHERRY tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor -Sow Spread:38"Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Black Krim
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"BLACK KRIM DAYS:80-85 This medium-sized, very dark maroon beefsteak, with wonderfully rich flavor, originated in Crimea, a peninsula in the Black Sea with perfect "tomato summers". Extremely tasty. Seasonality: Mid Season Fruit Weight: 8 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 36-40 inches Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread: 18 inches Plant 3 or 4 BLACK KRIM tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread: 36" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Amish Paste Organic Heirloom
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"AMISH PASTE 80-90 days From the Pennsylvania Amish, a large, meaty, bright red heirloom with superior taste, a nice balance of sweet and acid. Excellent fresh or in sauces. Seasonality: Late Season Fruit Weight: 5-7 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 36-42 inches Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread: 18 inches Spacing 3-5' Plant 3 or 4 AMISH PASTE tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/4 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 18" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Arkansas Traveler
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"ARKANSAS TRAVELER 80 to 85 Days, OP. Heirloom. hot, humid southern summer, this tomato is also crack&disease resistant.Very pro-ductive, it has beautiful, smooth,6-8 oz. pink fruits with that excellent sweet tart flavor that pink tomatoes are famous for. Very popular here in the Ozarks, and 1 of our best sellers.Very adaptable.High phos-phorous, potassium,& calcium are more important than nitrogen.Bonemeal is the perfect fertilizer for tomatoes.Also add ep-som salts to planting holes if soil is low in magnesium.Too much nitrogen causes large,leafy plants with fewer,later fruits. Start seeds inside 5-6 wks before last frost date.Seeds will germinate at room temps. 60-85 deg.,but does best at around 77 degs. Keep lightly moist, not wet.Full sun Water weekly if necessary.Tomatoes appreciate a deep layer of mulch,but wait to mulch until the soil has warmed&plants are growing ra-pidly Wait 1-2 wks after the average lastfrost Set them outside 24-36"apart
Tomato (Small)
 Cherokee Purple Heirloom Organ
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"CHEROKEE PURPLE Days: 85 days This large dark purple tomato from Tennessee is rumored to have come from Cherokee gardeners. With its rich, full flavor, it's often compared to Brandywine. The flesh is brick-red and very attractive sliced on a plate. Plants make large vines that yield tomatoes fully 5" across and 3" deep. Seasonality: Late Season Fruit Weight: 13 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 36-40 Plant 3 or 4 CHEROKEE PURPLE tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread: 24" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Goldman's Italian-American
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"GOLDMAN'S ITALIAN/AMERICAN 85 DAYS This tomato offers classic rich flavor -- makes a sumptuous sauce, and is great for both canning and fresh eating.The pear-shaped fruits are ribbed and pleated, intensely red at full ripeness Planting Depth 1/4" Soil Temp. Germ. 70-85F Days to Germ. 6-10 Plant Spacing 24-36", 14-20" trellised Row Spacing 5', 4' trellised Plant 3 or 4 GOLDMAN'S tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 36" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tomato (Small)
 Black Plum
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"BLACK PLUM DAYS 80 Very prolific Russian strain, whose brownish-gray fruits are so sweet and meaty that some prefer Black Plum to Roma for making sauces. Also excellent when used in salads or for drying. Oval fruits average 2 to 4 oz., and turn a deep mahogany-brown color at maturity. One of our best yielders for both fresh market and home use. Seasonality: Mid Season Fruit Weight: 2-4 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 40-48 inches Plant 3 or 4 BLACK PLUM tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/4 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Spread: 24" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After tra
Tomato (Small)
 Brandywine Heirloom
21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"BRANDYWINE Days: 85 days Brandywine, which dates back to 1885, is the heirloom tomato standard with superb flavor and luscious shade of red-pink. The large, beefsteak-shaped fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set 1 or 2 per cluster and ripen late and are worth the wait. Seasonality: Late Season Fruit Weight: 14 ounces Fruit Bearing: Indeterminate Sun: Full Sun Height: 40-48 " Plant 3 or 4 BRANDYWINE tomato seeds in a peat pot, around 1/2 inch deep.Water and set in a sunny spot indoors to germinate. Do this about 5-8 wks (1st week of March)prior to the anticipated frost-free date in spring (May 1). That way, the seedlings will be ready for planting once the danger of frost is past. The transplanted plants should be about 5-12" tall. Sowing Method: Indoor Sow Spread: 24" Before planting any tomatoes, spread a couple of inches of composted organic matter (garden or kitchen scraps, manure) over the garden bed. Work the compost into the topsoil, around 8 inches deep. If possible, do this in late fall so the soil is ready for planting in early spring. Otherwise, prepare the site 4 to 6 weeks prior to planting or just as soon as the soil is tillable in early spring. Tomatoes are vigorous, fast growing, and heavy feeding plants which require fertilization a few times during the season. Tomatoes have specific nutritional needs such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other micro-nutrients to build cell wall structure and increase plant vigor.When fertilizing tomato plants, use a liquid fertilizer, (fish emulsion), in conjunction with an organic granular fertilizer such as Tomatoes Alive made by Garden's Alive or Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer, made by Espoma. Before transplanting each tomato seedling, mix 2 tbs. of granular fertilizer within the top 2" of soil where each plant is going. After trans- planting ,water each tomato plant with a solution.
Tree (Large) 113' 1"13' 1" x 13' 1" 
Tree (Large)
 Black Walnut
113' 0"13' 0" x 13' 0"Black walnut is a long-lived tree, sometimes exceeding 200 years in age. Trees 3' to 4' in diameter were fairly common at the turn of the century in the Upper Midwest. Black walnut is one of 6 walnut species found in the United States; about 15 species are found worldwide. While black walnut grows throughout the United States and southern Canada, its natural range is in the central and eastern states. In natural woodlands, walnut trees grow primarily in small groups or as scattered specimens mixed with American elm, hackberry, boxelder, sugar maple, green and white ash, basswood, red oak, and hickory. Walnut requires at least 25 inches of precipitation (35+ inches is optimum) and 140 frost-free days (170+ days is optimum) per year. It grows best in soil that is deep, fertile, and moist but well-drained. Soil should be at least 30 inches deep before bedrock, gravel, or hardpan restricts root growth. Soil texture should be sandy loam, loam, silt loam, or silty clay loam. Avoid shallow, dry, sandy, gravelly, or rocky soils. Walnuts are often found along streams where periodic flooding occurs in the dormant season. Do not try to grow walnut where soils are A more reliable way tpoorly drained or wet during the growing season or where flooding or ice damage is frequent. Walnut trees begin producing nuts when they are about 10 years old, but the best nut production begins when trees are 30 yrs old. Good nut crops occur in about 2 out of 5 yrs.Walnut seeds require stratification (cold treatment) before they will germinate. Small quantities of nuts can be stratified in a plastic bag in a refrigerator at 34 to 41° for 90 Walnut trees can be grown from nuts, but planting seedlings is more reliable. The planting stock (nuts or seedlings) source should be not more than 200 miles south or 50 miles north of the planting site. Nuts generally fall from trees in September and October. A more reliable way to start walnut trees is to plant 1yr.old seedlings.Plant them before bud-break
Tree (Small) 18' 2"8' 2" x 8' 2" 
Tree (Small)
 Leyland Cypress
87' 11"7' 11" x 7' 11" 
 Golden Ball
155"5" x 7" 
 Sugar Baby Organic
62' 5"2' 5" x 2' 5" 
 Cactus Flowered Mix
2111"11" x 11" 

Planting Times

Plant List key
Artichoke (Globe)
 Siam Queen Thai
Beans (Bush Snap)
 Jade II
 Detroit White
 Bull's Blood Organic
Bok Choy
 Baby Choi Organic
 Delectable (F1) (se+)
 Purple Prince Tulip
 Dutch Iris
 Celebrity Red Mom Petunia
 Merline Blue Morn-Petunia
 Horizon Yellow Petunia
Fruit (Bush)
 Undetermined Shrub
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
 Pink Lemonade (Varigated)
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
Fruit (Dwarf Tree)
 Improved Meyer Lemon
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Red/Green Salad Bowl Mix
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Parris Island Cos
Lettuce (Leaf)
 Mesclun mix
 Noir De Carmes Cantaloupe
Onion (Red)
 Gigante D'Italia
 Javelin (F1)
 Lincoln Pole Peas
 King Of The North
 Hungarian Yellow Hot Wax
 Hot Portugal
 Purple Beauty
 Marconi (OG)
 Big Red
 Ancho (Poblano)
 Anaheim Chili
 Early Jalapeno (OG)
 Diamond Sweet Pepper
 Black Hungarian
Potatoes (Early)
 Rose Finn Apple Fingerling
Potatoes (Early)
 Fingerling Salad
 Kakai Hulless
 Daikon Long
 Regiment (F1)
Squash (Summer)
 Cube Of Butter Hybrid
Squash (Summer)
 Sunburst (F1)
Squash (Winter)
 Speckled Hound
Squash (Winter)
 Carnival (F1)
Squash (Winter)
 Fort Laramie
 Italian White
 Moulin Rouge
 Velvet Queen
 Cherry Rose
 Fantasia Mix Hybrid
Tomato (Small)
 Rainbow Cherry
Tomato (Small)
 Rossa Sicilian
Tomato (Small)
 Polish Linguisa
Tomato (Small)
 Principe Borghese
Tomato (Small)
 Sunsugar Hybrid
Tomato (Small)
 Super Sioux
Tomato (Small)
 San Marzano Lampadina
Tomato (Small)
 Sun Gold
Tomato (Small)
Tomato (Small)
 Black Cherry (OG)
Tomato (Small)
 Black Krim
Tomato (Small)
 Amish Paste Organic Heirloom
Tomato (Small)
 Arkansas Traveler
Tomato (Small)
 Cherokee Purple Heirloom Organ
Tomato (Small)
 Goldman's Italian-American
Tomato (Small)
 Black Plum
Tomato (Small)
 Brandywine Heirloom
Tree (Large)
Tree (Large)
 Black Walnut
Tree (Small)
Tree (Small)
 Leyland Cypress
 Golden Ball
 Sugar Baby Organic
 Cactus Flowered Mix