Garden Plans > 2012: Garden World Spring Fair3

About this Garden Plan

A show garden for Garden World Spring Festival

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Garden World: Jane's Delicious Garden Show Garden
Garden Size: 7.80m x 8.00m
Garden Type: -
Garden Layout: -
Sun or Shade: -
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

1. Wooden deck with peas climbing up on picket fences on either side. 2. 2Two large pots with bay trees 3. Door against back corner of stand, wooden cottage style (Heidi to provide) 4. 2 pots with jasmin 5. Metal archway with seats (Garden World to provide) with a mirror cut and positioned to fill the archway. Jasmin to be wound into the archway. 6. JoJo tank with large plants around it to soften it: lemon verbena, lavender, lemon grass and comfrey 7. Two x tripods made with gumpoles. 8. Pathways with flat natural rock stepping stones in irregular patter, pennyroyal in between. Path to be edged on outer edges with short bamboo poles, on right, pennyroyal to merge with thyme and oregano groundcover of inner section. Planting lining the outer edges to include low growing violets, colourful alyssum and other insect attracting flowers and herbs 9. Wheelbarrow filled with mixed vegetables and herbs. 10. Inner section to be covered with creeping herb ground cover: mix of various different creeping thyme and oregano, ceating beautiful patchwork of colour. Selection of terracotta pots of different shapes and sizes to be arranged on central section and planted up with vegetables and herbs. The central pot is a half wine barrel (Heidi to provide) with a lemon tree and tansy in it. 11. Trellises on wall with tomatoes and beans growing up them. Above the trellises the wall will be clad in bamboo poles. 12. Espalier apple tree against the wall. 13. The wall on the laft hand side of the entrance will be used to display small garden/vertical garden options. The wall will be painted cobalt blue to define it from the others, which will all be a neutral sandy colour. The blue wall will have the following: Along the top, a double row of U shaped aluminuim guttering filled with lettuces, greens and some edible flowers (trainling nasturtiums etc). Below this, on the JoJo side, will be a wooden palette, positioned vertically against the wall, planted with various herbs. To the right of this, closer to the entrance will be a stand alone planter with vegetables and herbs. To be provided by Home Organic (See for a picture - the ones in the gallery, 6th row down) General Notes. The plan I have drawn up includes a selection of vegetables and herbs that I chose to indicate how we want to create a swirling patchwork of vegetables, herbs and edible flowers. Some of them (such as hairy vetch) I included to indicate a purple colour but I am not locked on to these specific plants being in these specific places.

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Alyssum 6715cm15cm x 15cm 
Apple (Dwarf) 12.00m2.00m x 2.00m 
Basil 320cm15cm x 25cm 
Bay 245cm45cm x 60cm 
Beans (French) 125cm15cm x 35cm 
Beans (Runner) 1625cm15cm x 35cm 
Beetroot 1115cm10cm x 20cm 
Bergamot 530cm30cm x 50cm 
Borage 1135cm30cm x 60cm 
Broccoli 145cm45cm x 45cm 
Broccoli (Purple Sprouting) 260cm60cm x 60cm 
Buckwheat 310cm10cm x 10cm 
Cabbage 150cm45cm x 55cm 
Cabbage (Autumn Red) 285cm80cm x 90cm 
Cabbage (Autumn) 285cm80cm x 90cm 
Cabbage (Spring) 275cm60cm x 90cm 
Calendula 830cm25cm x 60cm 
Carrot 1610cm10cm x 15cm 
Cauliflower 250cm45cm x 60cm 
Chamomile 130cm25cm x 40cm 
Chives (Garlic) 215cm15cm x 20cm 
Comfrey 160cm60cm x 60cm 
Coriander 620cm15cm x 25cm 
Corn salad 615cm15cm x 15cm 
Cornflower 620cm20cm x 20cm 
Courgette 160cm60cm x 60cm 
Echinacea 335cm30cm x 40cm 
Endive 425cm20cm x 30cm 
Feverfew 130cm30cm x 30cm 
Flax 112cm12cm x 15cm 
Hairy Vetch 110cm10cm x 10cm 
Kale 440cm35cm x 45cm 
Lavender 240cm35cm x 50cm 
Leek 920cm15cm x 30cm 
Lemon grass 170cm70cm x 1.00m 
Lemon Verbena 235cm30cm x 45cm 
Lettuce (Headed) 825cm20cm x 30cm 
Lettuce (Lambs) 715cm15cm x 15cm 
Lettuce (Loose Leaf) 11910cm10cm x 15cm 
Lovage 160cm60cm x 60cm 
Mangetout 2310cm10cm x 20cm 
Marigold 820cm20cm x 20cm 
Mizuna 225cm20cm x 30cm 
Mustard 915cm15cm x 15cm 
Nasturtium 1030cm30cm x 30cm 
Onion (Red) 1215cm10cm x 20cm 
Pak choy 635cm30cm x 40cm 
Pepper 135cm30cm x 40cm 
Radish 1210cm10cm x 20cm 
Rocket 1215cm10cm x 20cm 
Scarlet Sage 130cm30cm x 30cm 
Sorrel 530cm30cm x 30cm 
Spinach 420cm15cm x 30cm 
Spinach (New Zealand) 250cm45cm x 60cm 
Spring Onion 1410cm10cm x 10cm 
Strawberry 150cm45cm x 60cm 
Swiss Chard 935cm30cm x 40cm 
Tansy 340cm30cm x 50cm 
Tat soi 1120cm20cm x 20cm 
Tomato (Cherry) 650cm45cm x 60cm 
Tree (Small) 12.50m2.50m x 2.50m 

Planting Times

Plant List key