| Plant | Number | Spacing | Spacing in Rows | Notes |
| 4 | 5" | 5" x 5" | |
| 4 | 7" | 5" x 9" | |
Beans (Bush Snap)
Dragon's Tongue
| 15 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | Can be substituted with any bush bean variety. This is just a really good one. |
Beans (Bush Snap)
| 15 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | |
Beans (Pole)
Blue Lake Pole
| 6 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | Choose any pole bean variety, and plant 3 on each side of arch for beans all season.
Plant one side of the garden about 2 weeks before the other to keep fresh beans always available. |
Beans (Pole)
| 6 | 9" | 5" x 1' 1" | |
| 16 | 1' 1" | 11" x 1' 11" | |
| 4 | 7" | 5" x 9" | |
| 49 | 1' 1" | 11" x 1' 5" | |
| 8 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | Substitute with 'dragon's egg' or 'lemon cuke' for a visual appeal and fun. |
| 8 | 1' 3" | 1' 1" x 1' 5" | My favorite variety is 'Rosa Bianca'. |
Lemon Balm
| 4 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | |
| 32 | 7" | 7" x 7" | |
| 8 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | This melon is small and strong and will stay on the vine with great force. They are also delicious and beautiful. A great variety. |
| 4 | 2' 11" | 2' 11" x 2' 11" | Choose 'Lemon Drop,' Sleeping Beauty,' or other "mini melon" variety for this bed. |
| 10 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | Choose 'Orange Jing' for the fastest producer. 'Clemson Spineless' is also a tried and true variety. |
Onion (Perennial)
| 2 | 5" | 5" x 5" | Green onions from the grocery store, in every open space. |
| 4 | 5" | 3" x 9" | |
| 27 | 11" | 9" x 1' 1" | |
Gypsy Hybrid
| 1 | 1' 1" | 11" x 1' 3" | I love stuffing peppers like 'Gypsy,' or 'Big Jim' and thing that you could make a whole bunch of yummy stuffed peppers from these plants. |
| 5 | 1' 1" | 11" x 1' 3" | |
| 6 | 7" | 7" x 7" | Choose 'creeping' rosemary for visual appeal at the road facing side of the garden. |
Squash (Summer)
Table Dainty
| 4 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | This is a vining squash from Baker Creek that will overproduce for you and grow vertically!! |
| 51 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
| 52 | 11" | 11" x 11" | |
Sweet Potato
| 14 | 1' 5" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Tomato (Large)
| 6 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | |
Tomato (Small)
Barry's Crazy
| 1 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | You could mix these as well with 'Sungold,' 'Brad's Atomic Grape,' and any other cherry tomato. They will vine and produce until frost. |
Tomato (Small)
| 5 | 1' 7" | 1' 5" x 1' 11" | You could mix these as well with 'Sungold,' 'Brad's Atomic Grape,' and any other cherry tomato. They will vine and produce until frost. |
| 19 | 11" | 11" x 11" | |
| 14 | 1' 11" | 1' 11" x 1' 11" | Substitute for more 'Table Dainty' vining squash if you'd like, or small varieties of pumpkin. But the arches would would be a great spot for loofah.
Every other area for zucchini or squash, I recommend 'Fordhook' zucchini, 'Golden Superpik' squash, or 'White Scallop' and you can mix varieties. |